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White Nationalism: The Only Rational Choice

Squirtle The Turtle

Grand General of The L.H.A.R
so here goes..

I am a White Nationalist. I believe White people have a right to self determination, free of other ethnicities.
I advocate that Whites return to the Motherland, Europe, and form an All-White nation. I believe this because I recognize that America was stolen by the White swettlers from the indiginous population.
I do not hate other ethnicites. I simply want an end to all the strife, and for us, as a people, to secure a future for ourselves.
Hitler was a devil and I am glad he was defeated. I repudiate progroms, ethnic cleansing and all such things. If all rational Whites left for Europe, we would bolster the White population there, and as the majority, could begin to set things as we wanted them. Whether other ethnicities would like that, who knows.
I believe that the F.B.I's crime statistics, included with the vicious actions of certain ethnic groups clearly shows why we would be better with our own land. We have a right to protect our culture. We have a right to continue our traditions.
The intimidation by the NBBP (New Black Panther Party) and the invasion of illegal immigrants, paired with the Presidents apparent complicity in this fact clearly shows why we must be repatriated to Europe. If they, those who remain, desire to let invasions of illegals and voter initimidation to happen, so be it.
BTW, I'm not a birther. Also I am for slavery reperations.
The trouble with n00b trolls is that they always go over the top and ruin it. If you'd stayed with the furry turtle we'd almost have bought it.

Subtlety man. Sometimes gotta go with the soft touch...
Deciding your politics and world view based on skin colour is weak.

The Dictionary said:
   /ˈreɪsɪzəm/ Show Spelled[rey-siz-uhm] Show IPA
1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.

2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.

3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

Clearly, by the dictionary definition, you are racist. You discriminate between races, wishing to separate the "white race" from others. You seemingly have an intolerance for these other races.

Whether or not you support things like slavery reparations or define yourself as a white patriot is inconsequential. Such self definition is at best delusional.

Also, what would you do all the Europeans who are of African or Middle Eastern descent living and/or born within Europe? Deport them to the war zones Africa and the Middle East are? How does that make you any better than Hitler?
Also, what would you do all the Europeans who are of African or Middle Eastern descent living and/or born within Europe? Deport them to the war zones Africa and the Middle East are? How does that make you any better than Hitler?

That, and:
What the fuck makes you think that we want people like you over here, anyway? Europe already had the White supremacist bullshit thrown down its throat before you were even born, we really can't be bothered to revisit the 20th century, thankyouverymuch.
Dull thread is dull.

In any case, it's always amusing to see the claws come out from the "tolerant" crowd when faced by a racist... no matter how numb he may be. :lol:

And Ilyanna... I would have never taken you for a nigger lover. That's sad. Enjoy your AIDS. :(
Hey, once CU posts in a thread it's automatically a zombie thread.

Dead, just doesn't know it, keeps walking around.
so here goes..

I am a White Nationalist. I believe White people have a right to self determination, free of other ethnicities.
I advocate that Whites return to the Motherland, Europe, and form an All-White nation. I believe this because I recognize that America was stolen by the White swettlers from the indiginous population.
I do not hate other ethnicites. I simply want an end to all the strife, and for us, as a people, to secure a future for ourselves.
Hitler was a devil and I am glad he was defeated. I repudiate progroms, ethnic cleansing and all such things. If all rational Whites left for Europe, we would bolster the White population there, and as the majority, could begin to set things as we wanted them. Whether other ethnicities would like that, who knows.
I believe that the F.B.I's crime statistics, included with the vicious actions of certain ethnic groups clearly shows why we would be better with our own land. We have a right to protect our culture. We have a right to continue our traditions.
The intimidation by the NBBP (New Black Panther Party) and the invasion of illegal immigrants, paired with the Presidents apparent complicity in this fact clearly shows why we must be repatriated to Europe. If they, those who remain, desire to let invasions of illegals and voter initimidation to happen, so be it.
BTW, I'm not a birther. Also I am for slavery reperations.

Define white.
so here goes..

I am a White Nationalist. I believe White people have a right to self determination, free of other ethnicities.
I advocate that Whites return to the Motherland, Europe, and form an All-White nation. I believe this because I recognize that America was stolen by the White swettlers from the indiginous population.
I do not hate other ethnicites. I simply want an end to all the strife, and for us, as a people, to secure a future for ourselves.
Hitler was a devil and I am glad he was defeated. I repudiate progroms, ethnic cleansing and all such things. If all rational Whites left for Europe, we would bolster the White population there, and as the majority, could begin to set things as we wanted them. Whether other ethnicities would like that, who knows.
I believe that the F.B.I's crime statistics, included with the vicious actions of certain ethnic groups clearly shows why we would be better with our own land. We have a right to protect our culture. We have a right to continue our traditions.
The intimidation by the NBBP (New Black Panther Party) and the invasion of illegal immigrants, paired with the Presidents apparent complicity in this fact clearly shows why we must be repatriated to Europe. If they, those who remain, desire to let invasions of illegals and voter initimidation to happen, so be it.
BTW, I'm not a birther. Also I am for slavery reperations.

Now you, I like. I live all you have read, with the exception of the slave 'reperations' (learn to spell, you fucking moron). The ONLY reparations I would suggest would be to ship all of the NIGGERS back, and bill AFRICA for the entire cost. You think it cost we Whites nothing to ship them to America in the first place?