Who is this "DoorKnock699" guy?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
jack said:
You have more fat on your left butt cheek that I've lost in the last two years, Krispy Kreme.

That's good.

At least it's a diversion from your normal neck fucking/masturbating routine.

Good boy. It's about time you experiment with a bit of originality. At least for you. ;)


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Gianni, it's so much fun seeing your "new" moves.

Thanks for Dancing, bubbaleh


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's like an Ensemble! (tm)

Red Whacker

New Member
Sarek said:

If I were to add liar and con artist to it, it WOULD be yours. :D

Perhaps, allow me to do some editing.

Out [STRIKE]Boring, mundane, repetitive, predictable,[/STRIKE] childish and out [STRIKE]old[/STRIKE] but add wise.

Indeed I am great.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
^It's a good thing that you think so highly of yourself.

It's a nasty job and I don't think anyone else would be willing to volunteer. ;)


New Member
Sarek said:
Yes, you were wrong. And at your age, I would expect either a gracious acknowledgment of it or thoughtful disagreement. Not this Messenger type foot stomping rant.

Oh well. With age comes maturity and wisdom. For some of us. ;)

And Saggy balls.

Don't forget those.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Red Whacker said:
Don't be modest you've done a great job over the years. ;)

Only you would interpret "lazy, good for nothing, lying, cheating, beaner" as a compliment.

Red Whacker

New Member
Sarek said:
Only you would interpret "lazy, good for nothing, lying, cheating, beaner" as a compliment.

Lazy: "Like a cat I only move when it is necessary."

Good for nothing: "Yet it was because of my great idea that you and other whiny tools are able to post dribble after dribble."

Lying: "What you call lying I call omitting."

Cheating: "Well this is obvious"

Beaner: "Quiero mucho Taco Bell!"


New Member
Sarek said:
^Did you come up with that all on your own?

Good boy Bitchy! That's a good boy!

I had help from your mom.

She says she's tired of the toilet water drips on the carpet after you take a shit.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
^We can only hope no one is ever stupid enough to bankroll you to write for them.

Talk about ending up bankrupt and destitute.