Who says time is linear?


RIP Karl 1991-2014
The very matter we're composed of - the hands with which I type right now; the mouth with which you eat; the hearts that pumps life through our limbs; the brain which formulates the impulses of your thoughts, are composed of the very same matter that birthed the universe eons ago, and are the same matter that will one day be compressed into a superdense point once again. All that you are has been a part of an eternity of cosmic history, from the start, through supernovas, nebulae, and phenomena of which we may never dream. We were forged anew in the sun four and a half billion years ago, and after so many epochs of travel became the individual personalities that we are now. You and I were literally present at the Big Bang. Don't you think that maybe, somehow moving past all animal and human conditioning, there's something greater that you're a part of; some greater knowledge burned into your essence in a long forgotten age? Time ends... and then it starts again, and again, and again.


RIP Karl 1991-2014
More pertinently, what do you think is beyond our universe? This universe is undoubtedly a speck in comparison. ;)
There could be more universes in every subatomic particle in this one.

This universe could be a subatomic partical in yet another universe.

It's turtles all the way down.


Sinless and Purrfect
This entire universe fills neatly within a light bulb in Adam West's bedroom.


GFHH Moderator
Doesn't the definition of universe encompass everything, ergo, there cannot really be an outside the universe concept?


GFHH Moderator
that has to be one of the busiest web sites ever!


GFHH Moderator
That's why some people prefer to say multiverse.

When people say multiverse, are they not in fact saying multiple UNIVERSES

Isn't that an oxymoron?


I want to smell dark matter
I'm not convinced that the particular unique arrangement of matter which forms the self aware "me" that exists now will ever exist again. More likely I am just a struggling sputtering spark of awareness which will quickly burn out.


GFHH Moderator
But the memory of Wacky will live on in all of us!!!