Who should win Big Brother 10 (UK)?


I want to smell dark matter
The obvious answer is "MARCUS, YOU MINGEBAG", but unfortunately that's not possible. So vote for one of these five.


Is this real life?
Sophie. Not the ideal winner, but the best of the bunch. Rodrigo would be my second since I find his short fuse amusing.


I want to smell dark matter
I think Sophie has "been herself" all the way through: she's had a good sense of humour and been able to laugh at herself (about the pregnancy thing) and not gone off in a huff like Siavash kicking his little feet, she hasn't held vendettas against anyone or been part of any unfair hate campaigns in any serious way, she's quite funny (her attempt at playing Noirin on tonight's show) and cute (SHAME ABOUT THE TITS) and it was nice when they brought her dog in for her to play with that one time.



Staff member
Siavash. He said he would give the money to charity.

Can't vote for Sophie (even though it's pretty certain she will win) because she's fucking retarded and to have a winner like her would truly be yet another nail in the coffin of Big Brother.

I like her well enough. She's a kind sort but in no way do I want her to win. Siavash may be a people pleasing wet drip but he does have some convictions and has entertained me far more than any of the rest left in there.

He's far from perfect but he's younger than Rodrigo which is something people seem to miss about him so he's my winner.


I want to smell dark matter
How do you know the others wouldn't give it to charity? The fact that he made a big deal about SAYING he'd give it to charity suggests he wanted the viewers to know about it and made it look a bit like he was only saying it to win (though I think he probably would.) As I recall, there's a rule that housemates aren't supposed to say what they'd do with the money if they won (but Siavash has gotten away with not nominating plenty of times so I suppose there's no reason for him or any of them to think they have to follow the rules.)

And it pissed me off yesterday how he couldn't even watch the video of Noirin and him kissing or watch Sophie and Rodrigo taking the piss out of them and went away kicking his heels in bed in a huff and talking out loud about how upset he was. If he'd just laughed at himself like the rest can do then I would have been fine with him winning, BUT FUCK HIM.

(And it's his fault Marcus went after he tried to fix in the noms in a retarded way.)


Staff member
To be fair I haven't seen that HL show yet. But to be fair again I definitely do know that nobody else would give it to charity. There is a very good chance Siavash won't either but he did say he would so that is something and it was good how he made everybody else squirm by saying it.

I really doubt he will win anyway. We will get Sophie as a winner instead. Someone who either doesn't know FUCKING ANYTHING or was pretending she didn't know FUCKING ANYTHING.



I want to smell dark matter
The prize fund is only about 20 quid anyway.


Is this real life?
I don't think Siavash was talking about giving the money to charidee so viewers would want him to win. He didn't even want to make a big deal out of it, but the others all drew the wrong conclusions and made out that he'd demanded they give the money away, when it was only an idea.

I still don't want him to win, though. He is a people pleasing wet drip and I wouldn't like to see that rewarded. Sophie might be daft, but at least she has some convictions.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, I was probably a bit harsh there, but he's pissed me off a lot lately. Like tonight's when he wouldn't even watch the comedy re-anactment of him and Noirin kissing. Get over youself! I think what makes it worse is that I did like him once and he did have potential to be a great housemate, BUT HE WENT AND FUCKING IT UP, INNIT.

Sophie's ass looked nice in the Beyonce outfit.


Is this real life?
Yeah, she looked great. Throughout that I just watched her dancing and tried to ignore the frequent close ups of Siavash's bum.


I want to smell dark matter
She just need to get rid of the two big tits (Siavah and David, LOL SEE WHAT I DID THERE.)


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


I want to smell dark matter
Bit late. ;)

He came fifth, sorry. :(


Staff member
Well she won and in doing so that has to be the most anti-climatic and boring final night ever.

I do like Sophie. She's a good girl and so I don't feel pissy that she won the money but I am dissapointed that the final housemates were so shit.

Siavash is a prize case moron but deep down I think he really is a really decent person. If he had won it would have been a massive up yours to Endemol who have tried their level best to make him look like a dick the past week so he wouldn't win the show.

Well they succeeded and they get Sophie as their winner. Lovely girl, ready made for NUTS and no controvesy.



I want to smell dark matter
Not to keep up the Siavash bashing or anything, but did you hear his answer when Chavina asked why he was trying to walk two days before the final? "I wanted to help Sophie win!" Sorry, just sounded like more bullshit, that wasn't the reason he gave in the Diary Room at all (and Sophie hardly needed the help considering she got three quarters of the votes.) I do feel a bit sorry for him though, he is insecure (he mentioned his dad disowning him) and I think he just says what he thinks people want to hear sometimes. They should have let him wear a proper eviction outfit too.


Staff member
I didn't hear all his eviction interview because people kept inturrupting me here at home so I missed half of it. That is a retarded thing to say though, yeah.

They should of let him wear his own eviction outfit as well, yeah. It did seem that BB did heavily try to influence the public (not hard) against Siavash so he wouldn't win because of all his rule breaks.

I really liked Siavash before the whole Noirin thing and I continued to like him after it but not as much because he became this massive wet-drip. Moping about and trying to please everyone is never going to win you any favours. He also reacted in an extremley bad way to the Noirin situation. If he had shrugged it off and been a bit self-deprecating about himself but ultimatly chalked it up to life experience and moved on from it he would have been a shoe in for winning the show. Acting like a love sick puppy who's just been lobbed in the Thames doesn't work.

The final nail did come with his massive overreaction to the task. In his defence I think it's pretty obvious that he fell HARD for her and he's a young guy without a lot of experience and we're all prone to mistakes and his was betting the house on a bitch who left him in an extremley shitty situation on Live TV. It would end up chipping away at you for the rest of the time there.

With alllll that said he was entertaining and I think he was for the most part pretty honest. He just stacked it all in the final weeks.