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Why are Bare Breasts considered Porn?


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
Only in America ..(and most of the Middle East) :huh:

No one (and I mean NO ONE) else on the face of this earth seems to have a problem with it!
Only in America ..(and most of the Middle East) :huh:

No one (and I mean NO ONE) else on the face of this earth seems to have a problem with it!

Because, as Americans, if we were to see bare breast we would become rapists.
Yep. Everyone knows that male Americans get a hard-on just by looking at bare breasts, just as they do when watching people fuck. Same reaction, ergo: same category. I've heard they want to ban sleep next so men won't be in danger of waking up in the morning, which is considered porn of the most deviant variety.
Ily, I can't hear what you are saying. I am staring at your breasts.

I don't know about anyone else, but as an American, bare breast make me think of raping my mother.

However, bear breasts make me think of running away from a bear.

HA HA! Didn't think I could get mom, rape and a bear attack/boob joke all in the same post didja?

Take that bitches.
I don't know about anyone else, but as an American, bare breast make me think of raping my mother.

However, bear breasts make me think of running away from a bear.

HA HA! Didn't think I could get mom, rape and a bear attack/boob joke all in the same post didja?

Take that bitches.

Do you happen to write for a little show called Family Guy? Well you should !!!

Who remembers their first feel of tittehs?


Like it was yesterday. Christian summer camp. Christin. She was the softest sweetest girl.

Those were the days.

It's been a while since I thought of her. Good call Jack.
I think it's because all these religious fringe groups from everywhere else gathered up in America. Now we are rid of all prudes and you are drowned in them.
well, the bible certainly offers a lot of possibilities as far as interprtations are concerned. For example it says that god made man after his own image and he was naked. From which we can deduce that god doesn't wear so much as a loincloth.

The basic problem behind all religions is that the people who first invented them had a light that radiated from them (figuratively speaking). The ones who followed later didn't have such a light but only reflected the light of their predecessors. And we all know what happens to light when it gets reflected over and over again: it gets weaker and distorted and after a while there is nothing left of it anymore.
Stories that got passed on orally for centuries and got copied again and again for 2 millennia now are bound to contain tons of errors. Everyone who told the story forgot something and added something to the rest. Everyone who copied the book made a typo, forgot a word, confused two lines. Everyone who translated it mistook a word or picked the wrong meaning when a word had several. Or they didn't know a few words and simply guessed. Thus, after so many generations of narrators, wtiters and translators, the remainder must necessarily be just fiction with a pinch of fact.
I always liked this quote from Christ

(Paraphrased here from Matthew 15:11 and context)

"It is not what goes into a man that corrupts him. It is what comes OUT of a man in his words and actions that corrupts him."
argh! Why did I bother to write such a long post when it's all there already:
Matthew 15:9
But their worship is to no purpose, while they give as their teaching the rules of men