why are scientists not working on ROBOT BODIES yet????///////


I want to smell dark matter
the flesh is WEAK IMMMMMMMMMMHO! :sarek: :yoohoo: :cosmic: :sarek:

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I blame Christians. It's always THEIR fault when science hasn't made any progress!


I want to smell dark matter
she's from the future


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Scientists should work on pistachio ice cream flavored ROBOTS, immmmmho!

The Question

The Glaubot is very convincing. (It made me say that. With a gun. And its TITS.)


on a break from forums
I blame Christians. It's always THEIR fault when science hasn't made any progress!

Yes. Christians can suck my left nut! DIAF!!!!! They have murdered thousands and thousands of people. They try and stop science from progressing since some of them realize that it will make their shitty cult look stupid!!! I like what the ancient Romans did. CHRISTIANS TO THE LIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I want to smell dark matter
How come there's a guy with over a 1000 posts in this thread who I've never heard of?

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
With the way technology is progressing, I expect the Japanese to have sexbots within the next 5-8 years. Tiny, underage sexbots with huge eyes and minnie-mouse voices.