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Ummmmm, 'cuz men deserve it? Or. . .or maybe it has to do with women's competitive nature and we are trying to kill the competition by making them cry? That and we're really harsh critics. Having to be nice all the time is a true burden. . .you have no idea.
Laker_Girl said:
Um, because women are bitches.

Mix in hormones and it's just one giant fucking bitchfest.
I agree. Women can be very bitchy sometimes. But I got to thinking the other day during a bout of deep introspection, as I am wont to do sometimes, of the two genders women are inarguably the more civilized.
Enkephalen said:
Ummmmm, 'cuz men deserve it? Or. . .or maybe it has to do with women's competitive nature and we are trying to kill the competition by making them cry? That and we're really harsh critics. Having to be nice all the time is a true burden. . .you have no idea.
Well, my pappi was right. Anything that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die just ain't natural!
Enkephalen Not as bitter as you apparently.
It's you and eloisel who like to post topics about men. You make post after post about how men are this and that, and expect to be respected as the bitter, dreary cunts you are? Laughable.
Again you miss the point, which is that you care far more about distinctions among the sexes than I do. I believe men to be slightly more level-headed than women. This doesn't mean women are raving loons... most of the time. Raging misogynist?

Men and women have different styles of friendships I believe. I like to study these differences. But really I just like to study human behaviour on a whole, not necessarily how men and women are different.
Messenger said:
It's you and eloisel who like to post topics about men. You make post after post about how men are this and that, and expect to be respected as the bitter, dreary cunts you are? Laughable.
How sweet.

You've completely misunderstood, sugar pop. I adore men when they are bright, funny, intelligent, charming, interesting, and/or can build things. It's not my fault you can't find your niche.