Why can't we cut support for Israel


beer, I want beer
Yes. They refuse to listen on the settlement issue.

You are even dumber than I had originally believed. The JEWS OWN your country, you dumbfuck. You do EXACTLY as the Jews tell you to. You are all bitches to the Jews. They love stuffing their cocks up your assholes, making you all squeal like stuck pigs. Remember, the Jews even tricked you all into taking part in the greatest act of deceit the world has ever seen, that of a 'Holocaust', which never happened.
You are even dumber than I had originally believed. The JEWS OWN your country, you dumbfuck. You do EXACTLY as the Jews tell you to. You are all bitches to the Jews. They love stuffing their cocks up your assholes, making you all squeal like stuck pigs. Remember, the Jews even tricked you all into taking part in the greatest act of deceit the world has ever seen, that of a 'Holocaust', which never happened.

Shut the fuck up.


beer, I want beer
Shut the fuck up.

Truth hurts, doesn't it? Now, I see a fucking Jew coming. His name is Dork Lord. I would suggest you bend over and take it up the ass from a Jew like every good American. It is your fucking DUTY as a Jew colony.

It has been proven that the money you dumbfuck Americans send the Jews in Israel would PURCHASE FOR EVERY SINGLE LIVING AMERICAN A NICE FUCKING MERCEDES-BENZ! That's how fucking stupid you are. Yet, you bitch, moan, groan and whine about your country's frightening debt. Duh?

The Question

Impy, have you noticed how Lucy's just me-too-ing shit you and I got belly laughs over literally years ago? Shit, at least I played out the Holocaust routine with wit and style. Hell, I even made it look pretty damn reasonable in spots. This guy... Lucy, I gotta tell ya, you're a fuckin' amateur, kid. And you're always gonna be an amateur. I hope you're getting some laughs out of it for yourself, because I've already played this crowd, and son, you ain't even coming close to the benchmark I set before you ever got here.


beer, I want beer
Impy, have you noticed how Lucy's just me-too-ing shit you and I got belly laughs over literally years ago? Shit, at least I played out the Holocaust routine with wit and style. Hell, I even made it look pretty damn reasonable in spots. This guy... Lucy, I gotta tell ya, you're a fuckin' amateur, kid. And you're always gonna be an amateur. I hope you're getting some laughs out of it for yourself, because I've already played this crowd, and son, you ain't even coming close to the benchmark I set before you ever got here.

Damn, you fear me even more than I had first thought. The entirety of your posts towards me have always consisted thus far of 'I am better at trolling than you are', or 'I came up with this troll before you even showed up'. Ironically enough, when I mention the Holocaust, I am NOT trolling. I actually know it never happened, and stand by my convictions, whilst you use such bullshit as a troll tool. YOU sir, ARE a tool. Get over your jealousy of me, and do run along.


beer, I want beer
If we cut our support for Israel, they'll take back Natalie Portman. :phpsad:

Let them. That's one less Jew in our continent. Now, if they would threaten to take them ALL back, we could ensure that Israel does not receive a fucking cent from the American taxpayer. Fuck Israel. You should be arming BOTH SIDES, so that we may destroy both the Jews and the fucking Muzzies at the same time.