Why couldn't BSG just go on forever?


I want to smell dark matter
EVEN IF there was no budget and every episode was just Adama scrubbing his boots for 40 minutes then Tigh walks in at the end and they both start crying and hug I'd still watch that over whatever shit's going to be on instead.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah :(

I hope Stargate: Universe is good.. or Caprica SOMETHING.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Boobie inspector
I have a really bad feeling about Caprica, the fact that it already has all the letters it needs to make "crap" cant be good


Is this real life?
I'm looking forward to Caprica even if it is just a "family drama". I just need to lower my expectations and forget it has anything to do with BSG.

Stargate Universe looks pretty good from the get-go, though.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Ming Na is in it!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
It's nice to see that everyone has pre-judged Caprica as a terrible show before even seeing the pilot simply because it wont have the "BANG BANG BOOOM EXPLOSIONSSSS" of BSG and instead is a character drama!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, I did read that script Wacky posted. I'm prepared for it to not be as good as BSG, but I bet it's a lot better than Dollhouse.


Is this real life?
The video clip we saw wasn't that encouraging, but I didn't say it'll be crap. I just know I won't enjoy it as much as BSG.


I want to smell dark matter
I like the tennis robot.


Is this real life?
That makes it sound quite promising. I know Esai Morales will be great, but I suppose we shouldn't be surprised about the younger actors. I'm just glad there are no love quadrangles being mentioned so far.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Esai is one of my favorite actors, hopefully he'll get a lot of screen time and the tween stuff will be at a minimum.


I want to smell dark matter
I can't see Cassie's av.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Hambil is working on it, I think.


I want to smell dark matter
Gods' damn frakking right you would.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
There has to be at least one scene with Tigh giving it to Adama and shouting "have you seen my eye?!"