Why doesn't JOHN MORRISON have a match at Summerslam?


I want to smell dark matter
Especially when they're putting Kane versus the Great Fucking Khali on ppv again.


I watched about a dozen JM matches back to back last night, and they all rocked.


U mad 'bro?
Untill vince acknowledges that his "creative" team is uncreative, things are not going to improve.


I want to smell dark matter
The three matches he's had recently with CM Punk were all great.


I got the Royal Rumble on BluRay, watched it, and though, "well, he's fucking improved a hundred fold", went on Youtube, found a bunch of matches and thought, "Yep, that's a Shawn Michaels right there", and then cynically realised he'll never make it because he'll get held back, take steroids, and get given FUTURE ENDEAVOURS before disappearing because HACKSAW JIM DUGGANS GROTESQUE SAGGY GUT is more important to Vince.
He might get more of a push if his voice didn't sound like Wally Cleaver going though puberty.

They such just have him lip sync to Val Kilmer, or something.


I want to smell dark matter
Superstars is a good show to watch if you just want to see good matches. Good Morrison/DH Smith match this week and surprisingly good Goldust/Seamus match.