Why hasn't Disney been charged for child abuse?

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor
Seriously, they've been pimping kids out since the 1950s at least with the original Mickey Mouse Club. I'm pretty sure most of them are dead now (RIP Annette Funicello).

And look at all the other twisted things they've been involved with over the years. Most recently the Miley Cyrus debacle stands out. They took a semi-talented young girl that happened to be the spawn of a serious redneck, and apparently forced her into smoking a carton of cigarettes per day to deepen her voice, and now look at her. A bleached fauxhawk doper who probably drinks bottom shelf tequila while sleeping in a ditch in between appearances on Two and a Half Men. Shameful.

What other crimes against humanity have Disney perpetrated against all of us, and are they more or less evil than Pizza Hut? (or YUM foods in general?)


Pinata Whacker
I would have thought it would be after viewing Peter Pan on ABCFamily. That seems even worse. A young boy kidnapping a young woman and her brothers, getting them hooked on "fairy dust" and making them believe that playing with pirates, Indians, and mermaids is all fun and games and not the least bit dangerous.


Can I have Ops?
A bleached fauxhawk doper

What a great insult.

I know people who work for Disney, and they genuinely believe they are doing good in the world. They remind me a little of Jihadists. THIS PAIN IS NECESSARY FOR THE EVENTUAL HEAVENLY GOOD type thinking.

Disney is just another religion. A rigid construct that people like to adhere to because admitting that everything is chaos and the world is bonkers is just too much.


I want to smell dark matter
They cancelled Star Wars: The Clone Wars because Ahsoka Tano was teaching children to have independant thoughts.