Why should the gov't shore up General Motors

The President wants alternative fuels and technologies to make the US independent of foreign oil. I believe he wants some real progress on this in 6 years. GM has problems. Ford obviously does too. So, why not make these big automobile manufacturers come up with better hybrids and alternative fuels vehicles in order to get gov't bail out?
Because if automotive workers loose their jobs in a Republican administration, they'll vote Democratic the next go around.
With the way things are going, isn't it highly likely the Democrats will do well in upcoming elections simply because they aren't Republicans?

Personally, I'd like to see the Dems in power for awhile. There will be no more devastating hurricans. Osama will love us and there will be no more war or terrorist actions. And I can quit my job and live on welfare.
This Republican adminstration is one of the most protectionist there has ever been.

Protectionism is dumb, it's a bitter pill that needs to be swallowed. The UK did it with it's steel and coal industry and we are much better for it.
GM and Ford don't need bailing out, nor have they made any indications of having to need it. Both have many many more steps to go before such a drastic thing is needed, Chrysler has already showed us that there is always an easy way out without losing your foothold domestically.
eloisel said:
With the way things are going, isn't it highly likely the Democrats will do well in upcoming elections simply because they aren't Republicans?

If you believe the liberal media, yes.

Personally, I'd like to see the Dems in power for awhile. There will be no more devastating hurricans. Osama will love us and there will be no more war or terrorist actions. And I can quit my job and live on welfare.

YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me too then! But wait, who will make all the money to pay for our welfare?

Back to the tough decisions, how many kids should I have?
^ As many as possible. Each is a Tax Credit, and a bump in welfare pay. (or whatever they call it)
^Most like what got you through a college education Mr. Nurhachi

eloisel said:
Just asking - Why should the gov't use tax dollars to bail out General Motors?

Beautiful just what we need more corporate socialism.
You probably already know this BB but Chrysler was bailed out by the govt. Or is this what you were saying?

I find protectionism and taxpayer-funded bailouts to be disgusting - in any part of the world, not just the US.
Yeah, they got bailed out and then their saviour "Lee Iaccoca" nearly drove it into bankruptcy again, and had to be sacked. Now, Chrysler is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mercedes, and IMO, is turning out some of the most innovative and stunning domestic (2/3 domestic, anyways) cars on the road. Aside from my WRX, I've had two Dodge cars since I got my first car when I was 17, and my parents have had about 9 of them since they frist got married. I SWEAR by Chrysler cars.
Yo.2 said:
You probably already know this BB but Chrysler was bailed out by the govt. Or is this what you were saying?

I find protectionism and taxpayer-funded bailouts to be disgusting - in any part of the world, not just the US.

However, the government made a LOT of money on this bailout since they were given options on the company.
eloisel said:
Just asking - Why should the gov't use tax dollars to bail out General Motors?

The US-based corporation will invest about $100 million in the centre over two to three years, said a source close to the company. "GM would be passing on projects substantially to Bangalore," the source said.


I think it would be simpler for everyone if the United States just gave India the money.
I'm a tree-hugging enviornmentalist liberal, so I'm one of those idots who thinks the inexorable march towards truly globalized economy isn't necessarilly a bad thing. Our markets are already heavilly dependant upon each other, so I don't get so upset when I hear americans screaming bloody murder about jobs going overseas.
BlazerBoy said:
so I don't get so upset when I hear americans screaming bloody murder about jobs going overseas.
Well what are they supposed to be? A nation of 100% consumption and no production?

The entire outlook of globalisation is fallacious in that some products are worth more than others, and some are more instrinsic to certain environments and regions.

In a liberal, globalist world, Middle Eastern countries would dominate the rest of the planet.

Globalism and national sovereignty are tied with one another, as the latter is tied in with the status of the national economy.

BB, how would you feel about one world government?
This is whats known as a "hit-and-run post", Messenger. I have no plans of defending or quantifying my opinions, nor even pursuing the conversation any further.

I find doing it quite fun, especially when people ask me questions about my opinions after I make one, and then I never respond to them. :D