Why the fuck are there so many videos of furries doing the FUCKING numa numa dance


Boobie inspector
I think you should strive for more in life than just "not as bad as Nid"


I want to smell dark matter
If they make vidoes like that they're going to get bashed.


Retired Account
and im going to do it.


Is this real life?
BRUSSELS is forcing the British Government to add "furry" as a choice on future census forms under the question of 'sexual preference'. :phpevil:


Retired Account


Is this real life?
ONe fucked up furry video at a time is one enough, thanks!!


Is this real life?
I don't want to alarm anybody, but loktar appears to have a giant dog's head in place of his upper body. I believe his loyalties may have been compromised. :phpeh:


Retired Account
idk...but whoever it is has some artistic talent.;)

was it triggerfox?

are you triggerfox?

anthony did daddy touch you?

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Furries are fucking creepy. Do not want.


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I like the first one because he gets beaten with a bat. Also the anime ending.


Seph--No worries about the neg. :lol:

You know what? Even tho the idea of furry sex is odd, and I personally wouldn't partake in the activity, I don't see it as any more bizarre than any other fetishes out there.

If I were to watch furry porn, I think I'd laugh hystetically more than be repulsed. Case in point: I once purchased one of those elephant bikinis for a boyfriend--you know, the ones with the elephant trunk that goes up when the occasion rises? Well when that trunk started rising, I lost it. I couldn't stop laughing. It ruined the mood for a good hour at least. It just looked so ridiculous.

So, yeah, whatever groks your Spock, people...