Why would a humanoid cat and a human woman...


I want to smell dark matter
Have kitten babies? Surely their babies would be like human babies but with catlike features? AGH.


I want to smell dark matter
And WHY would a catman married to a human woman call two old ladies who are married "sisters"?


I want to smell dark matter
The Doctor went from a car with a whiteman in it, to a car with two Japanese schoolgirls, to a car with nudists, to a car with a redman in it (exact same make-up as the whiteman...only red) to a car with an ENGLISH GENT in it.


I want to smell dark matter
I'm only watching this shit because Freema's in it.


I want to smell dark matter
She has really nice eyes.


I want to smell dark matter
"Don't you go dying on me, you big old face." Okay, that was a good line.


I want to smell dark matter
"Look children, the sun!" THEY'RE FUCKING KITTENS.


I want to smell dark matter
If the Face of Bo is Captain Jack, how did he manage to go five minutes without referencing his sexuality?


I want to smell dark matter
Face of Bo said "I am the last of my kind." But he's human if he's Jack, and there's lots of humans running around New New York. Also, why not just said "the Master's still alive, dude" instead of "you are not alone."


I want to smell dark matter
Oh no...Daleks Do Manhattan is on now...not even worth watching for Captain Panaka, is it?


a treat for missmanners
cos it lazy writing...


I want to smell dark matter
Panaka was originally slated to appear in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Destroy Malevolence." He was going to be captured alongside Padmé and be brutally murdered by Grievous. He was eventually cut, because at the early stages of production the studio didn't have the ability to include many new characters because of the time it took to create a digital model.



I want to smell dark matter
His New York accent is really bad...I'm turning this off.
I want some of what he's smoking/eating/injecting/licking/snorting/drinking/swallowing... sounds like some great drugs.


I want to smell dark matter
Panaka versus Typho in a fight, who'd win?


I want to smell dark matter
I liked the way he said "the Hutts are gangsters!" Whereas I can't remember any Typho lines.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
What are you watching?!!!!


I want to smell dark matter
It was the Doctor Who episode 'Gridlock'. It was on tv.