Will Wolverine Suck?

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
Ooh I'm shaking in my boots.


Mmbop him on the head?

Speaking of lame ass 90's culture, I was suckered in to buying these comics!





Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
I am going to watch this movie in two hours.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
Just came back from the cinema.

Even by genre standards, this movie sucks. You'll leave the theater unsatisfied.

It's just too incoherent to be digested. The story is so rushed it's almost non existent. Moreover, no character besides Wolverine, Sabretooth, and the annoying other villain get more than 5 minutes of screen time, LITERALLY.

When I watched the trailer, I was like : A movie with such a collection of badarses cannot go wrong. Yet sadly it did. There's a myriad of underdeveloped characters that are parachuted in the movie for the sake of it.

Before I went, I read Roger Ebert's 1 and a half star review and thought : what a pompous cocksucker. I was definitely wrong.

Do not spend 7 dollars to watch this shite.


Loktar, don't make me bitchslap you. NuTrek will suck major balls. I doubt if I'll even bother downloading it.

Yeah well I liked it. I like my movies with lots of action and lite on the social/political commentary. This movie was designed to draw in Non-trekkies as well as trekkies. You can't accomplish that with a movie heavy with social and political commentary. If it will put your mind at ease, I heard if this "Nutrek" does well the next one will have more social/political commentary in it.

No offence, but you also like N'sync and Britney Spears. Nutrek is N'sync, Trek[minus of course, Enterprise] is something decent, like Mike Patton.


Pinata Whacker
No offence, but you also like N'sync and Britney Spears. Nutrek is N'sync, Trek[minus of course, Enterprise] is something decent, like Mike Patton.

I had a long day at work and then went to a Carnival tonight. I'm too tired for a rebuttal. So enjoy your neg.


I'm not going to neg you back, just to make you thoroughly ashamed of your abhorrent behaviour.


U mad 'bro?
If a nuclear bomb was dropped on Wolverines head he'd survive - literally healing as the explosion tore him apart. So just how are you planning to kill him?

Like he said in the movie about Sabertooth,
Has he ever been beheaded?


U mad 'bro?
AND the Days of Furure Past, He was dead in the Future.
How'd he be dead?


Pinata Whacker
I'm not going to neg you back, just to make you thoroughly ashamed of your abhorrent behaviour.

Sorry but I'm not ashamed. I don't consider my behavior abhorrent. I very rarely neg and only did so because I was tired from work and going to the Carnival and couldn't think straight enough for a proper rebuttal. I consider my negs more comical because i rarely do them. I'm just not vindictive to go on a neg spree like Dual and pickle did when I had my chix with dix av.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I liked it. It wasn't GREAT ot anything, but it didn't suck either.

I don't know why they had to make Sabertooth his brother, but the guy that played him was miles better than the guy from the first movie.