This just in, it rained, and the new roof had to be used (please insert into any Wimbledon report from 2009-2075[after 2075 we've evolved past enjoying things like "sports"])
All articles about the roof have to include the line "WELL AT LEAST CLIFF RICHARD WON'T START SINGING AGAIN LOL" even though he only did that once 15 years ago.

Andy Murray is taking way too long to beat some guy.
So who do you guys think is going to win? I'm obviously heavily in favour of yet another Federer victory. :bailey:
I would say Nadal in an upset over Federer (Nadal is World #1 after all), but I just checked the Wimbledon website, and it looks like he's not playing. I know he was injured, but I thought for sure he'd play.
The women can be very sexy, what with their long, tanned and toned legs, and their sweaty hair all whipping about and such.

Venus and Serena, however, are NOT sexy. At all.