I hate to admit it, but I do spend at least a minute or two there at least once a day. Mostly it's because I have a kind of blog/diary in their Blue Room, and to see just how koo-koo it's gotten.
But here's the interesting thing (at least to me): I've been looking at the posts from my perspective. And from my perspective they are barking batshit insane. But I've also been reading Scott Adams writing on perception filters and cognitive dissonance and for some reason I was able to look at one post while putting myself into the shoes of the typical present Wordforgian. And if you deeply believe 1 or 2 of the fundamental things that they believe, the things they post there are the only rational way to explain the world around them that doesn't mean that they're crazy, stupid, or at the very least wrong. If you look at it from the starting point that Trump is bad or socialism is good or guns are evil or some combination of the 3, it makes perfect sense to say the things they say there. In fact that's the only way things make sense.
The interesting thing will be to see how long they can keep building this house of cards. But probably indefinitely. After all, I'm told there are people who believe in a hollow earth, filled with lizard people. And probably a flat, hollow earth to boot. There are people who believe humans cause the climate on this planet. Heck, I guess we caused the Dust Bowl in the 1930s, so maybe I shouldn't be so hard on them. Although it seems like they were pretty wrong about the poor drowning polar bears over a decade ago.