Would someone like to abuse their mod panel?

Filthy Whore

Mad Arse Face
Yeah, I already figured it was fair game, that's why I said "abuse their mod panel".

I can't be the only one that thinks Jack's a repulsive little man. I've been very patient with his use of my image however it's been at least six months that I've had to see my boobs associated with his name and I'm tired of it.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Letting them know it bugs you was the worst thing to do, though. Now they'll never change avatars!

Srsly though, you look good in the picture.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
^This. jack actually hadn't posted here (with that account, anyway) since before Christmas...until this issue was brought up in public. You brought him out of retirement.

If you want us to perform services for you off-the-books, you need to approach us privately.



Shit Lord, Esq.
Jibbles, are you aware that many people here think you're a twat?

Just for shits and giggles, why don't you construct a list so we can compare it to the list of those who like/enjoy me (at TrollKingdom, obviously).

No socks/duals.

Thanks in advance, Twaffle.



Retired Account
FW is a twat for such a pointless thread, welcome this thread to speak freely


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jibbles, are you aware that many people here think you're a twat?

You might claim that doesn't matter to you but I bet it does... posting about how muscular you are seems really important to you. I suspect you're a wizened little dwarf like Jack that boasts about how muscular you are when in reality women find you utterly repulsive... that's why you spend so much time online where no one can actually see you.

In any case, I'd like to have my photo removed from Jack's avatar. That's why I titled this "abuse their mod panel." It's not rocket surgery, asswipe.

Do I need to explain that as well?

You couldn't explain the smell of a wet fart to anyone in your immediate vicinity. Thanks for allowing me the sweetest ownership of an internet poster ever.

Good day to you Twaffle, thanks to this thread, its been very good.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Bitches love the arcade :bigass:


Shit Lord, Esq.


moral imperfection
Yeah, I already figured it was fair game, that's why I said "abuse their mod panel".

I can't be the only one that thinks Jack's a repulsive little man. I've been very patient with his use of my image however it's been at least six months that I've had to see my boobs associated with his name and I'm tired of it.

So basically you request one of the staff members to go against the TK rules in order to do you a personal favor, knowing full well that this might cause said staff member to take flak for doing so.

Errr, no, thanks. Request denied by this staff member.


Forever Empress E
FW, if it is any consolation, I did not know Jack's avatar had anything to do with you.

Jibbles - I'm flying out of here today!


Retired Account
By the way Seph, I understand you've posted a photo of your penis more than once. That still doesn't give some creepy bitch like Lisa the right to use it as her avatar without you getting annoyed about it, right?

Like jibbles said I have never posted my penis on any open forum anywhere ever, but if lisa is rocking my dick pick she may as well, I have had it wedged in her throat nearly two years, I guess I own that twat a little more than I gave myself credit.

Archibald Nixon

anti-life coach
Yeah, I already figured it was fair game, that's why I said "abuse their mod panel".

I can't be the only one that thinks Jack's a repulsive little man. I've been very patient with his use of my image however it's been at least six months that I've had to see my boobs associated with his name and I'm tired of it.

I've never had any sort of problem with you before, FW, but I think what you're witnessing here are the mods abusing their ability to not give a fuck.

I mean, you DID comprehend the title of the website when you first arrived here, right?

You should be flattered. They delete my nude pics.

I'm sure that's more of a public safety issue.