Yer all pussies


Red Whacker is hot!!
of course, that's why i am here, numb nuts.

seriously that has to be one of the dumbest posts ever but if this is true just fucking buy some razors and slit your wrists

NO on second thought just get up to the roof of the highest of high rises your way and jump

oh make sure someone cams it so it ends up on bestgore or ync kk?


Red Whacker is hot!!
seriously that has to be one of the dumbest posts ever but if this is true just fucking buy some razors and slit your wrists

NO on second thought just get up to the roof of the highest of high rises your way and jump

oh make sure someone cams it so it ends up on bestgore or ync kk?

Suck my balls, mother fucker.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Ok, I think we're seeing evidence of a very limited vocabulary and inability to formulate advanced thoughts.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Well what do you know? We actually agree on something!

Though I'm sure scum would be slightly insulted by the association.

Farry Lynt

I'm high
Those Republicans holding both Congress and the nation down are scum.
And there are Republicans who dispute their questionable tactics.




Retired Account
Love/Hate fine line negro.


Retired Account
Why when I got someone else that does it for me? Negro.