You ever have trouble remembering...

Dr Dave

If you finished a season of a tv series?

I think I finished season 1 of Twin Peaks, but for the life of me I'm not 100% sure of this.


Is this real life?
I can't remember which Babylon 5 seasons and tv movies I've seen, but I'm kind of okay with that. I never really warmed to any of the characters except maybe G'Kar, but that was because he looked cool and had a nice voice.

Dr Dave

I have very little to no need to ever see any more of Twin Peaks. I've seen (well presumably anyway) season 1 and don't care about seeing season two.

It's one of those shows, since it was set in the Pacific North West I should have seen earlier then I did. I don't know what the big deal with it was though.


I want to smell dark matter
Isn't the "who killed Laura Palmer?" story wrapped up at the end of season one anyway?