"You gonna get another job?"...


Zombie Hunter
Gah. Saturday. Laundry day. Time to get dressed for the day. Therein lies the problem. I have a dog who likes to go for long walks in tall grass. It's been fairly rainy this week. I mostly wear knee high rubber boots, but there's a hole in one--among other problems. And Wednesday had seemed dry-ish, so I just wore regular boots. It started raining down on the walk. Hard. I brought an umbrella but wound up soaked from the waist down. The boots still haven't fully dried out (it's also been very humid). Just threw all the clothes down the basement steps and changed into something dry. Thursday I had meetings, so I wore nicer clothes (but with the rubber boots for the walk). My nice jeans were already filthy so I put on my ratty worn jeans Friday. They immediately got soaked, walking in tall wet grass, so I changed into an ancient pair I had at the bottom of the drawer to bum around the house. But I managed to get those dirty so they should go in the wash. So hear I am, stalling on going out because I'm stumped on what to wear because everything's dirty.


Zombie Hunter
Bleah. Odds & ends. Burning out on Jon Pertwee "Dr. Who" episodes a bit so I've been watching Story Television after "Jeopardy!" if they have something interesting. Last night "Who" was a continuation of the "Curse of Peladon" serial, which is an OK story, but somehow I wasn't quite feeling it and Story had "Hidden Gold of WWII"--a hunt for looted gold Japan hid in the Philippines at the end of WWII. Of course instead of showing an episode a night or something, they binge-programmed it as a marathon and those kind of stories are structured so you want to watch the next episode. So instead of watching an episode or 2, I watched 3 or 4--to the end of the series, where they find a tunnel. But then I decided to stick around and see what was on after: The first episode. Not only was it a marathon, it was a looping marathon. And again, they structure these type of shows with just enough tidbits in each episode to keep you watching.

So it's after 2am. I've had way more to drink than I should've, and I'm googling to try to find out how many episodes there are. I came in as they were exploring a waterfall and they've found the waterfall, but then they moved on to dig at some cave. I'm tired and have things to do tomorrow (now today) but due to the nature of modern programming, it's unlikely I'll ever see this show again so I will miss the intervening episodes if I don't watch them when they're being aired. In the end practicality and exhaustion won out over OCD behavior and I went to bed without seeing all the episodes.

I had some other things to muse on too, but I don't feel like it right now.


Active Member
Our HOA does use goats to clear the brush around our development. The development is on the top of a hill and the slopes were, obviously, not buildable so they remained undeveloped with just a fire road/community trail. There were also some flat areas at the bottom of the hill which the government determined was ecologically protected due to seasonal verbal pools are located (state considers them seasonal wetlands) plus it is near a tributary of the San Diego River so it got wrapped up in federal wetland laws. On the upside it is kind of nice to have HOA owned hiking trails.

Fortunely, my development was made in the late 1980's before HOAs became monsters so our total yearly HOA fees are just $150. The goats help them keep costs low by eating the undergrowth.


Zombie Hunter
I'm so weak and undisciplined. And I suffer for it. Last night I drank way too much and stayed up way too late watching garbage documentaries and felt like hell this morning. Tonight I overate. Last week I did chicken stir-fry and I've started making "gumbalaya" with the chicken trimmings. Buy some kind of Slim Jim and a packet of them little salad shrimp, can of Ro*Tel, celery, onion, green pepper, garlic, jalepeno, Wocestershire sauce, hot sauce, and a few other odds and ends. Fry up anything that needs sauteeing and then dump it all in the Crock Pot overnight. Yummy.

The problem is, a big bowl of it is enough, but it doesn't seem like enough. You know how there's supposed to be a lag before you get the "full" signal to your brain? Had another bowl and now I feel like a bloated woodtick.

Worked on my tin shed and my brush pile today. That "last mile" on anything is always miserable. End of February, 2023, I had no brush pile; I was finally going to be able to address pruning back some of the trees on the property. Then I had a tree go down in a storm. And a substantial portion of another tree in a different storm. And a bunch of brush at the rental house I was renovating--and the renovations to do, along with a part time job--so by February 2024 I had a humongous brush pile. I've made a dent in it, but still lots to go. The shed, on the other hand, is very close to done--but not really. Floors are cleaned and waxed. Walls have been scrubbed. Timber framework has been treated with linseed oil on the walls and about 1/3 of the ceiling. Of course I've been working on it so long that I need to go back and scrub the walls again. And there's little things: Paint a cabinet all one color (it's about half red and half grey with a side used for testing spraypaint colors, hang some signs and my surfboard on the walls, drop off some oil and antifreeze and other materials at the appropriate facility, it never stops.


Zombie Hunter
I say again, if I ever write my autobiography, I'm going to call it "Failure is *Always* an Option." Interestingly, as I was finishing the previous sentence the laptop touchpad was on and I accidentally deleted almost everything I'd written. And that pretty much sums up today. I was going to add some background, but I think I'll just stick to this and catch up with the rest later.

Our local government passed an illegal ordinance governing rental properties a couple years ago and it is just getting implemented. Monday I had to go to a meeting on how to comply with the ordinance and instead of being productive in any way it was mostly just angry people with torches and pitchforks, beating up the people stuck with enacting the ordinance. Today there was allegedly going to be a meeting on how we'd proceed with fighting to get the ordinance revoked, but it was on the other side of town and was an ad hoc thing related to the real estate association's monthly dinner meeting. The actual subject of the meeting didn't excite me but I figured I might go anyway. But first I had some errands to run. I needed to move some money from my business to personal account, return my old ISP's modem, and get tick and flea medication for my dog. All these chores are grouped close together and on the way to the meeting. It was very conceivable that I could get everything done.

BUT!... First I had to do The Dog's afternoon patrol. And she zapped a groundhog that she brought home. This actually cut the patrol time by more than half but, since I won't let her bring murdered groundhogs in the house, she insisted on laying out in the yard with her trophy. I got changed and got my stuff together and got the car out but she still wasn't ready to go inside. Since I wasn't incredibly thrilled with the idea of going to the meeting and stopping back at the house after my errands wouldn't significantly add to my time, I decided to leave her out and see where things went.

Things went right about where you'd think things would go. I got stuck behind a wrecker that insisted on driving 5mph below the speed limit. Eventually he got stuck behind a minivan that insisted on driving 5mph slower than him and finally we got behind a mailman who was driving 8mph. Not 8mph below the speed limit, 8mph. When I finally got to where I could drive, I missed every light and when I got to the UPS store to return the modem there was a line out the door. Getting back onto the road I got behind someone who stopped before making a right turn at a green light--on a multilane road. And both the left turns I had to make took 2 lights because people are too busy on their goddamn phones (or whatever) to actually go when the light turns. When I got to the bank there was less money in my account than I expected--and there was already less money than I expected because my newest renter bounced her rent check and didn't pay before the monthly accounting period. The only thing that wasn't a complete fucking abortion clinic bombing was getting the flea medication. That actually went fairly painlessly but by the time I got home there was zero chance of making it to my meeting in time--even if The Dog was ready to come inside, which she still isn't. So I guess I'll get the crock pot with dinner in it plugged in, change into work clothes, and see how far I can get on my work in the shed.

Life would suck so much less if I didn't have to live it surrounded by 21st century humans from the USA.


Zombie Hunter
So I retired at the end of September, 2023. The Plan was to get 3 paid-for rental properties and 3-6 months of cash reserve in the bank before I retired, but the real estate market has been such that finding a house I wanted to own for a price I was willing to pay was a nigh impossible task. But for various reasons I retired anyway. After 6 months or so I started getting nervous. Things worked--as long as nothing went wrong. But when you get to my age you appreciate the fun, unexpected, and exciting ways things can go wrong so I got a part time, walkin' around money job.
Then a tree almost missed my house, the slow-ass timid driver I was finally going to be able to pass did something stupid, and it turned out my shitty insurance didn't want to cover a double endoscopy. So it was lucky I came out of retirement.

It was a great job. Except I hated it. I usually hate a job because of management but this time I hated the job because of coworkers. Lazy, stupid, useless turds. Some were lazier and/or stupider than others, but something annoyed me about pretty much every one of them. When I started I was getting a decent amount of hours. Then I bought a house and I was getting more hours than I wanted because they kept me from renovating the house. Of course by the time I had the house ready to rent the chopped my hours to shit. And I got the house done at the worst possible time to list a rental. But I found a renter. And since I hated working at my job and wasn't getting any hours I retired again.


It's been one goddamned thing after another.

Almost rebuilt the cash reserve and ready to start paying down the loan I used to buy the last place. Then I got my tax bill. But next month, for sure! Except I got the bill for my tax preparer. Month after that I spent 3x as much as I should've on an AR15 project. Then I got whacked for the annual pet vaccine/heartworm visit. Then my new renter bounced a check. And somehow, although my cashflow has increased by $1,000 a month, I lose more money every month. A little over 7 years until I can start collecting Government Enforced Ponzi Scheme and (theoretically) Life gets even easier. But until then....


Zombie Hunter
So I was worried and confused when I went to move money from my business account to cover my personal expenses. I did a balance inquiry to make sure the funds had hit. They had but there was significantly less than I'd expected. Today I figured out the reason for that: I'd wanted significantly more money to hit so I just got it in my head that the deposit had been higher.

And of course I got an insurance statement this week that is due by the 5th for one of the rentals so now I've got to decide if I want to move money back to the business account or just pay it from the personal account. I guess it isn't a big deal since that's where the payments were coming for years under the old insurance company, but I was so happy to finally start getting things set up right that it's kind of a bummer to go back to the old way.

I really don't think having an LLC is that essential for how many properties I have, but the person I wanted a 2nd opinion from just directed me back to the person I got my 1st opinion from and they're a competent person who does competent work, but they just don't have the smarts and experience of the person I really want to talk to.

On an unrelated note, yesterday I burned up the last of the giant brush pile that's been there for over a year. So this morning a decent sized branch blew down in my yard. I mean, I knew I was going to have a brush pile again. Shit, I've got so much landscape pruning there's no getting around it, but I just wanted 24 hours with no brush pile. Well, technically this one is small enough I can cut it up and burn it in the fire pit on an evening and roast hot dogs or s'mores or something instead of having a big marathon multi-day burn. I don't think I'll roast marshmallows over yard waste, but that all needs to be pruned before I can even think of burning it.

On a different unrelated note, this morning's stormy weather has put The Dog into cocoon mode. Ordinarily after my afternoon siesta, we need to go for the afternoon patrol. For now she's content to doze on the bed behind me with the Jimmy John's roll she found on the morning patrol .


Zombie Hunter
Yesterday sucked. I mean, not in a "my house burned down" or "I found out I had cancer kind of way," just in a frustrating mundane "life just keeps happening and as soon as you get something done you have to do it again over and over until you eventually die" kind of way.

Last month or two have been a marathon of brush burning. Drag stuff out, get a fire going, break up the larger branches so they fit the fire pit, saw up logs that are too big to burn practically, manage to burn up stump/root sections that are too big to saw up practically, repeat. Eventually I had a good enough bed of coals that I could just rake them up and put fresh wood on the next day to get the fire going. Finally, I got done. The night before a big storm was coming. So the next day I had fresh branches to burn. Kicked into OCD mode because I NEEDED to be done with this job. Ideally it would be better to let the green branches dry out a bit but by God I was getting the job done. This is when I realized I was missing one of my fire pokers. When I was putting away from being "done" burning I set it somewhere "where I won't lose it" and that's where it is, apparently.

Meanwhile, with all the sun and rain, the gravel driveway that I just spent months raking down to dirt, pulling out all the weeds, and then raking back into place is again a lush green carpet. I hadn't even finished the job before it grew back. Fuck it. Round-Up time.

Then it was messes. Making kalua pig in the Crock Pot and pouring off the excess juice to use for soup stock. In spite the Crock Pot having a very nicely defined lip, I proceeded to pour about 20% of the broth down the side and all over the counter and floor. Stop to clean that up. Oh, on an unrelated topic, lately The Dog has been taking half-length patrols. Like every day. So the one time she insisted on taking a longer than normal patrol? The only time this week that I absolutely planned to be somewhere right after. Oh, and I've lost count of how many woodtick bites I'm covered with at this point. Anyway, I eventually got around to mowing the lawn. You need to mow the fucking lawn every six days this year or it gets away from you and clogs the mower. Every couple dozen yards I'd have to stop because I'd found more downed wood from the storm. Luckily the green wood was smoldering instead of burning cleanly, so I could just add the fresh wood and the fire would relight. That said, it took a lot of work with the lighter, paper bags, and eventually hunks of cardboard to get the tinder and kindling to sustain a flame. Oh, but mowing. Ran out of gas almost immediately so I had to go get gas.

Had a glass of water when I came in. Managed to bang it against the back of a chair so I had to stop and mop up water. Made rice to go with the kalua pig. Had the kitchen window open so it was blowing against the burner just enough that it wouldn't simmer at the usual setting. So I turned it up and of course when I had time to check on it it had boiled over so I had to stop and clean up the stove before dinner. I couldn't even successfully pee in the toilet without stray spatters that needed to be stopped to clean up.

Getting fat. Thought I might have a date and then the girl I was chatting with just *disappeared*. Seriously, I'm starting to feel like there's some secret password for women that no one ever told me, because things will seem to be going well and then all of a sudden it just ends. What else? Oh. Working on the shed. Nearly "done" with it--until I realize how much stuff is *really* left to do. And anyway, when that's done, I've got the carriage house that needs a ton of work. It just goes on and on and on. Always cleaning up messes, doing and redoing things over and over, and getting older and weaker and stupider every day. Bleah.


Zombie Hunter
Missed the edit: [EDIT] Oh, and during one of the breaks in lawn mowing to tend to the fire, some roving home security system salesman shows up. It was cool and humidity was low so I had all the windows open. They don't have screens. He keeps talking and talking to me, going through his script, standing right in front of the "BEWARE OF DOG" sign, while The Dog has her head out the window 8' from him, "I KILL YOU!' barking her head off. I was tired and cranky so I just cut him off and said "I'm not interested and don't have time," but later I realized I should've said "I've alread got a home security system, you've set it off, and if you don't leave pretty soon I suspect she's going to jump through that window and attack you."


No-one of consequence
Over the long weekend I was helping the girlfriend move a bunch of furniture and boxes and now I have aches in places I didn't know were places that could ache.


Zombie Hunter
Why am I tired all the time? Gee I don't know. The Dog got a juvenile groundhog on the morning patrol so we had to double-time it a mile or two home so she could lay in the yard with her new trophy. Meanwhile one girl I thought had flaked on me asked if I was available Friday and I said I was. While I was waiting to hear back on that another girl that flaked on me months back made another of her monosyllabic texts. By the time I'd finished lunch The Dog showed no signs of wanting to come in so I took my siesta and got ready to go work in the shed. At this point she was ready to come in. While I was changing to work clothes I thought of how to passive-aggressively reply to Flake #2 and by then The Dog seemed ready for her afternoon patrol so I started closing windows, only to find The Cat was back in--and had brought a live mole that he'd caught to play with.

So now I'm at a loss for what to do next. Catch the mole, dispatch it and throw it out a window so I can go on my walk? Just carry on with the plan to work in the shed and let him have his fun with it? And will either of my girls get back to me? Who knows?


Zombie Hunter
I'm Fat again. Awhile back I nudged up past 170 into the 175 range. This would be as fat as I've ever been if I hadn't literally moved the needle a few years back. At that time someone sent me a picture of me with my shirt off and it was a wakeup call. Made changes and got back to a reasonable weight. But I'm knocking on that door again. Been able to deny it quite a bit but saw myself in a mirror in a way that even my brain filters couldn't hide. I knew this was a threat when I quit my job. To be fair the few hours they were scheduling me, combined with the night shift schedule meant I could arguably be in better health by quitting the job and picking my own ways to burn calories. And I thought I might be doing that. I also thought I tend to pack on weight in the winter, but...I can't even remember the last comfort food I did, where I...HOLY SHIT, MY DOG JUST FARTED AND IT IS A BRUTAL BIOHAZARD. WTF?!... anyway, that started coming...oh, yeah, gumbalaya, a bastard gumbo-jambalaya mashup I do to use up skin and bones from chicken stir-fry. Problem is, it's so tasty I eat way more than I should. Anyway, that started coming off and I was stumped for a main course this week and went with kalua pig. The way you do this if you don't want to slaughter a pig, dig a hole, salt the pig and wrap it in seaweed before cooking it for...however long it takes to cook a pig in a hole in the ground is, you stab the shit out of a slab of pork loin. then you douse it in liquid smoke, rub salt into it, and throw it in a crock pot lined with cabbage leaves. Cook up a big pot of rice, buy some macaroni salad, and enjoy with a big glass of rum. Yum yum. Good times. But also fat times. So I think I'm going to have to start cutting calories and increasing exercise; maybe cut back on booze too.

I'll just add that I don't get fat in a holistic way. I don't get an even fat distribution. It all goes right to my belly, where I get a pregnant/Dale Gribble look. It is not good. I can suck in my gut for awhile and convince myself my waist isn't getting bigger but I set out a mirror that caught candid images and I'm definitely not at my sexiest.


Zombie Hunter
My target weight is 165#, +-5#. 155# would be top shape, but I'm not willing to do what it would take to maintain that level of fitness--if it is even still possible at my age.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Ive been keeping my weight at 152 and slowly converting the remaining belly fat to muscle. With my new bike i'm getting 2 hrs exercise three days a week. 20 mile rides in the woods and back roads.

Sometimes it feels like it's just too much work.


Zombie Hunter
Quick note: The trouble with being retired is that it's easy to go down a rabbit hole. When a chunk of your time is sold to someone else every week, you have to prioritize the things that absolutely need to be done first.

Right now I'm fixing up the tin shed. Yesterday I finished putting linseed oil on all the wood framework and mopping the rubber mats on the floor. I had to move the A-Team van to do that and tested my plan to move it to the end bay with the single car garage door. Couldn't make it work. Wanted to back it in but to do that I needed to turn towards the blind side. Backing a cargo van is perilous anyway, but if you're turning towards the driver's side you can roll down the window, stick your head out, and see where you're turning. Backing towards the passenger side, you're just blind except for the mirrors. So I decided to give going nose-in a shot. It's a short space--the carriage house is at the end of the driveway so you need to execute a 90 degree turn in just over a van length to line up on the door. Wound up coming in at an angle and then trying to "back & fill" to line up. The door is barely wider than the side mirrors so that was a lot of fun. While doing this, my fear was confirmed. The spoiler on the back may or may not fit under a standard garage door. My shed is at the bottom of a slight grade so if you back in the spoiler, antennas (magnetically mounted so they are laid down on the roof) and fog lights kind of tuck under the door--they're angled down from the grade so they go under the door and then pop back up as I hit the (more) level floor. Going nose-first, one of the antennas brushed the door edge so there was no way the spoiler was going to fit. Extricating it and parking it on the driveway until I was done working in its bay took longer than the attempt to get in, but I managed it without any damage. (The bay it parks in is smack-dab in the middle of the shed and it is there because I drive to the end of the driveway, right up to the carriage house doors, put it in reverse and crank the wheel hard right and it lines up with that spot almost perfectly.)

Anyway, now that all the wood is treated and the floor is clean, I need to go back through and scrub everything again. I started this project, shit, years ago, so by now dust and cobwebs have found their way back inside. When that's done I can hang up stuff like old metal signs and my surfboard and if I get really ambitious, pick up a stovepipe and get the wood burning stove that came from the garage at the last house I bought installed. (There's a hole in the wall and the top half of a stovepipe used to be installed--but I said "I'll never have a stove to put in here, so I'm taking that out and throwing it away.) There's almost certainly more important things I should be doing, but once I'm done with that, I can cross it off the list. Which will probably move me to the carriage house, where I start all over with the linseed oil, seal new(ish) concrete floor, and a few other things.

I should probably be doing desk work, landscaping, and some exterior painting--among loads of other things, but instead I fart with this because right now there's no one to tell me not to.


Pinata Whacker
My target weight is 165#, +-5#. 155# would be top shape, but I'm not willing to do what it would take to maintain that level of fitness--if it is even still possible at my age.
Target goal is to eat healthier, exercise more. Don't know if I'll ever achieve it. Seems like too much hard work.


Zombie Hunter
Yup. I like meat, cheese, and alcohol too much. I should be doing calisthenics right now to burn off some calories too, but I don't want to. I remember it being unpleasant.


I'm Fat again. Awhile back I nudged up past 170 into the 175 range.

170 ain't fat. Try being double that. Haven't weighed myself in a while but I'm sure I'm inching up to 400.

My target weight is 165#, +-5#. 155# would be top shape, but I'm not willing to do what it would take to maintain that level of fitness--if it is even still possible at my age.

Target goal is to eat healthier, exercise more. Don't know if I'll ever achieve it. Seems like too much hard work.

Yup. I like meat, cheese, and alcohol too much. I should be doing calisthenics right now to burn off some calories too, but I don't want to. I remember it being unpleasant.

Fat people need to eat more seafood, instead of eating more food than they see...

Big Mama Catfish World GIF - Big Mama Catfish World Yuri Grisendi GIFs