Troll Kingdom

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[you], I heard you give great head!

You know how when two cats first meet they circle each other slowly, appearing to not take notice of the other while at the same time not keeping them out of their sight for even a split second, then sit down at the exact distance it would take to reach just the tip of the tail in a sudden attack, and start licking one of their front paws in an attempt to look nonchalant while waiting for the other's next move?

That's kind of what happens when new women enter the Badlands.

(I'll refrain from explaining what happens if it's a man. That should be self-explanatory.)
Uh oh, I guess I should have checked the door instead of running in full tilt, breasticles flapping in the wind.

Hi Ilyanna!
lol, some well-meaning people might have pointed out that by checking the door, you would probably have noticed that the door-knobs on the inside seem to kinda "got lost", but since I love to get new prisonersfellow posters, I TOTALLY like people running in full-tilt.
> oops, was that the door clunking shut?
Anyway, welcome, and do continue flapping your female bits. You'll fit right in :D

if you want to know who can suck off anyone the very best and absolute greatest,
I heard that would without any doubt or without any competition, be: [you]

I know this can't refer to me, seeing as it was posted in 2008 and I only registered in 2012, but on the off chance that it does - I do give fantastic head, believe me, I go down on myself daily - how does one tweak the time stamp on your posts?
God damn it, this is one of those trick threads that looks like your name in the title when you see it, isn't it? Bastards.