You know if they do end up remaking alien

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
What a"bot" Joel?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I died inside when I found out they're making a remake of Flight of the Navigator.

Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
And yes, I know about the sequel to Heathers in the works.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop


Throatfucking your grandmother
You cant help but notice that Summer Glau looks a lot like a young Sigornie Weaver.

Some films simply cannot be remade. A classic like Alien is one such movie. They will attempt a remake at their own peril.


I want to smell dark matter
I think they're making a prequel or something.


Throatfucking your grandmother
I think they're making a prequel or something.

The Alien was first introduced when the mining team found a derelict alien craft on a planet. i.e The Alien species had taken over the ship of another alien species.

If they make the movie from that angle, then it may have some potential, because you will have a movie that includes two different alien species. I can't see what other angle they could take. The mining team mining? Travelling through space and doing nothing?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well Wayland-Yuntani did already know something about the aliens before Alien so I guess something about that.


Throatfucking your grandmother
Well Wayland-Yuntani did already know something about the aliens before Alien so I guess something about that.

What makes you say that?

As I remember it:
Ship picked up a distress signal. Crew told to find ship for possible rescue. Came across face hugger thing. Face hugger reported to company by Bishop. Company told Bishop to bring back face hugger.


I want to smell dark matter
I remember it being pretty good.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
What makes you say that?

As I remember it:
Ship picked up a distress signal. Crew told to find ship for possible rescue. Came across face hugger thing. Face hugger reported to company by Bishop. Company told Bishop to bring back face hugger.

Nope, Ash (Bishop was in Aliens) was placed on there deliberately to make sure they picked up the Alien and brought it back, and Mother - the computer - was programmed with orders to make sure they picked up the transmission (the ones Ripley looks at marked "crew expendable").

Wayland-Yutani knew there was something on there and so put Ash on the ship and gave Mother orders to make sure the crew went out and got it and brought it back.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Is that worth seeing?

(Heathers 1)

Hell yeah.

The first time I realized I was sexually attracted to sociopaths was with Christian Slater in this movie.