Troll Kingdom

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I came for the cookies
Yeah Im talking about you hopeless Star Trek shits.

I know you all spend your time masturbating to Princess Layme in her gold bikini and arguing over shit like which ship is faster or bigger than the other ship or whatever the fuck.

I'm sixteen, and I've lived more than all of you. Much more. I've read more about ACTUAL REAL LIFE than you sacks of shit.

I was at school reading some articles on Wikipedia and a friend of mine shows me an article on this shithole. What a fucking pathetic story. Your all a bunch of fucking nerds who wanted to pretend you were somebody on a Star Track board so you said some bad words, got thrown out, and boom, here you all are.

Fucking wastes of space.
Alucard said:
I'm sixteen, and I've lived more than all of you. Much more. I've read more about ACTUAL REAL LIFE than you sacks of shit.
Is that why you pretend to be a 16-year old in one of the most clumsiest troll attempts ever taken upon here?
I love n00bs who think that merely coming here and flaming people is enough to be considered sentient.

In the words of Gypsy, "You gotta get a gimmick!" Or at least not be a thumb-sucking AOL n00b.

I bet your MySpace page has music on it and everything. But no friends. Except Tom, of course...
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
It's on EncyclopediaDramatica, which is the same but different.

We went through all this last week or something...
Yeah but our junior troll here said he was on Wikipedia.

I'd love to see the school projects that got some of their research info from Encyclopedia Dramatica.