[you] outed: pics, email inside


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Now I must go work out, and take my final for Bio Ethics.
I have no idea who Lipshitz or Circle Of Sun is, I was just being friendly.

Still trying to troll me with that fake french crap??

HAHAHA AHAHHAHAhHAHAHhahahaha ahhahahaa :::cough:::

LipshVitz. Don't mess it up, he's a bigshot.


New Member
we will be discussing the lawsuit - your idol Danny is going to get quite the surprise soon



New Member
as it happens, I'm going out for drinks with Geedis' Mom tomorrow night. we're going to be discussing his inheritence

:::hyperventilating with laughter:::
1) FILF? huh?
2) Panda, do you ever make believe that you're going to have a social engagemnt with any of my family members?
3) I'm goingto see the musical "Cry Baby" with Elrod's Aunt Bernice for a Saturday matinee. It's in previews, and that sweet old lady is beside herself with excitement!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Well, I know John Fusco personally, and he's already had his premiere of Forbidden Kingdom with Jet Li and Jackie Chan!!, who I also got to meet at the opening party.

Hey Valerie, it's awesome this two-step.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's Time to Dance.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So Jack's Dad, is it true that you suffered from a genuine untreatable case of PE/ED before you died painfully three times on the operating table? Every artery completely rotted away?

One would really wonder how you get info for trolling, anyway.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
So Jack's Dad, is it true that you suffered from a genuine untreatable case of PE/ED before you died painfully three times on the operating table? Every artery completely rotted away?

One would really wonder how you get info for trolling, anyway.

:::shocked into silence:::

You suppose getting her drunk made you invisible?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I love it when Jack has the Panda sock.

Wtf is "the Panda Sock"??

You do know that Panda is VKD, right?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
omg :bigass: