[you] saved my banana!


beer, I want beer
Hey idiot, I think you just did! :D

Yet, this brings out absolute delight for you. Smitten with me already, are you? Faggot.

I merely sought to increase your self-esteem. I am nice that way. I aim to please my followers.

It is rather sad that you consider being told to 'fuck off' as acknowledgement of your existence.


on a break from forums
It is rather sad that you consider being told to 'fuck off' as acknowledgement of your existence.

It is rather sad that you still are acknowledging me!


on a break from forums
It is rather sad that I exist because nobody actually loves me! Even the Aryan Nation won't let me in! BAWWWWWWWWWW!!! :wah!:

Edited for accuracy.


beer, I want beer
Edited for accuracy.

NO, no. not 'Aryan Nation', but Stormfront. They fear me, as they consider me to be too extreme. Pussies they are. I seek more ways to protect our race, which is the very reason for that site's existence, and they ban me? That's kind of like a politician stating he will rid his country of crime, then firing all of the cops for fear that they may become too 'extreme'.


beer, I want beer
It is rather sad that you still are acknowledging me!

Feeling much better about yourself now, are you? Glad I could help out, but do remember, I only seek to pull up my lessers a little higher, if only to prevent me from wounding my neck from looking down so hard.

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
For realz! Jeffy get a job! At least I have applications and am filling them out! Try it, you might be able to move out of your mom's apartment!

Wow what a weak mind to piggyback on someone else's "troll".

I could be making $60+K a year and still be living with my mom right now, Jackass.

SHe's not in the best of health, and I like to keep an eye on her.


Wow what a weak mind to piggyback on someone else's "troll".

I could be making $60+K a year and still be living with my mom right now, Jackass.

SHe's not in the best of health, and I like to keep an eye on her.

Can I have her number? I'll keep three eyes on her.


on a break from forums
I could be making $60+K a year and still be living with my mom right now, Jackass.


SHe's not in the best of health, and I like to keep an eye on her.

That is actually pretty nice of you. I do respect that. If you got a job making $60+K a year, then you could probably take better care of her.

Dark Pickle

Fucked Off
Well I am gay yes... Well actually BI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like both because I am greedy and proud LOL

Isn't this thread supposed to be about rescued bananas?

I think Diego is saying he's rescued a few bananas, so I'd say the the thread is still on topic.

More precisely: It's behind the topic, dipping the banana in chocolate sauce.