You WAnt an Edit?! I'll give you a FUcking Edit

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
Loktard said:
Time grab a hammer and smash that window then.

That would NOT be subtle.

Plus/also: you forgot a word there champ, but don't bother asking LC to fix it!


Love Child

One Love
Its interesting that I am really reading these threads again for the first time it seems tonight. I was a bit distracted to care what was really going on.


Pinata Whacker
Its interesting that I am really reading these threads again for the first time it seems tonight. I was a bit distracted to care what was really going on.

I was a bit distracted too by stuff happpening in chat and my internet connection kept going in and out for some strange reason. Otherwise I would have more involved in Pickle's pouting and stuff.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
You should join chat so you can be distracted again and we can make fun of Pickle behind his back some more.