beer, I want beer
Donovan and 14thDoctor have always hated each other for reasons unknown...
D'oh! Pwned by a new tag! How does this one work? How the hell did it know to pull Laker Girl out of a hat?
Donovan and 14thDoctor have always hated each other for reasons unknown...
[ random ] member.
[ random ] member.
hay looser i don't even know u
they make medicine for that lmfao
Check your goggles, Professor Dumb Fuck Pretend Retard. Everyone else seems to 'get it'.Then why in the wide wide world of sports am I seeing
as the thread title then Professor Science?
Check your goggles, Professor Dumb Fuck Pretend :retard:. Everyone else seems to 'get it'.
god you ppl r fucked up.
god you ppl r fucked up.
god you ppl r fucked up.