You're All A Bunch of Goddamned Bastards


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
and then, ask me if I care.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Since the show has already been recorded, I'm afraid I'll have to call bullshit.

The wonders of Internet Technology LULZ


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
oooh letz talk about TROLLKINGDOMRADIO


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
which neither of you seem to be able to log into LOL

Coyote Ugly

Full Frontal Nudity
Actually, he said something about he wasn't going to stoop to your level. I dunno what that means.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
LOL @ "irony"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's amazing how active you've suddenly become.

Well, not your main so much anymore :D

Coyote Ugly

Full Frontal Nudity
True, until tonight... through one simple troll on you... I've posted here more today than I have in months.


Coyote Ugly is that just a mangy Coyote? I know about the movie but hell if I'm going to see it I bet Urban dictionary has it down to a science I had a dream about Coyotes the other day.


Forever Empress E

Could you post that again in your primary language so I can translate it into something coherent, please.

Thanks so much.


Retired Account
hes a fucking numpty.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Could you post that again in your primary language so I can translate it into something coherent, please.

Thanks so much.

That is his primary language. In a certain format/environment, he's an idiot savante.

Here, not so much.


Retired Account
he makes me :facepalm: every post.


Retired Account
i wud like to rape your cranium with my shinny claw hammer, then use u as a lavatory...

but other than that my answer to your question would be no, go fuck yourself fuckchin.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
He has no idea what you just said, I promise you :bigass: