Yub, babe...


moral imperfection
we need to talk more!

What's your house doing, and your sinuses, and can you please explain the Australian way of government to me in a few simple sentences (SuN might be willing to help out here, too)


Nothing to know rly... jst 2 puppets of the same ilk getting paid lorry loads of cash to do jack.


If one more person complains about how Julia Gillard wasn't voted in by the Australian people or that Rudd was voted in as PM by the Australian people...I'm going to shoot them. NO-ONE DIRECTLY ELECTS THE PRIME MINISTER. S/He is simply the leader of the ruling party. WE ARE NOT AMERICANS, YOU SLACK JAWED KNUCKLE HUMPERS.

I am OK, Ily. My sinuses suck, but I'm learning to live with it. My anxiety and depression are flaring, due to me attempting to begin to get back to work. My house needs money thrown at it which I do not have.

There are beginning to be days I want to disappear and that is not good. I'm hitting up the GP for referral to a shrink. Time to seriously begin to sort this crap out and do the hard yards to straighten out my head.

Australian politics is currently like a fight between two tribes of retarded rich children, old money and new money. New money used to be poor and socially minded and a good deal smarter. Occasionally one of these children makes an intelligent decision or comment only to dragged back down in the bucket lobster style and beaten for its gall. The only people who make any sense at all are not in power and never will be. It's alot like high school.

FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Yub, I'd like your av better if it was just a still frame with the shadow of a duck coming across her face. It'd be much subtler and cooler that way.


moral imperfection
If one more person complains about how Julia Gillard wasn't voted in by the Australian people or that Rudd was voted in as PM by the Australian people...I'm going to shoot them. NO-ONE DIRECTLY ELECTS THE PRIME MINISTER. S/He is simply the leader of the ruling party. WE ARE NOT AMERICANS, YOU SLACK JAWED KNUCKLE HUMPERS.
Wait, you're not? WHO WOULDA THUNK?!? So when the legislature of the Prime Minister is up, the parties nominate the next candidate and you vote the party then? Or how is it done?

I am OK, Ily. My sinuses suck, but I'm learning to live with it. My anxiety and depression are flaring, due to me attempting to begin to get back to work. My house needs money thrown at it which I do not have.

There are beginning to be days I want to disappear and that is not good. I'm hitting up the GP for referral to a shrink. Time to seriously begin to sort this crap out and do the hard yards to straighten out my head.
That doesn't sound so well, although it's good that you're considering getting help. Depression is a bitch, I've had my fights with her, and I sure know how hard it is to not drown. I don't know enough about your situation to start spouting advise, but if you ever need a kind listener, feel free to use me. (Contact me via E-mail - best way to reach me at any given time).

Australian politics is currently like a fight between two tribes of retarded rich children, old money and new money. New money used to be poor and socially minded and a good deal smarter. Occasionally one of these children makes an intelligent decision or comment only to dragged back down in the bucket lobster style and beaten for its gall. The only people who make any sense at all are not in power and never will be. It's alot like high school.
Sounds quite like the situation we have over here, too, only that we have a few more tribes fighting. Same old, same old.