

Sinless and Purrfect
I never use it either.


Hey Yub, being an intelligent person of faith, I thought I would ask you what u thought of 1st Corinth 5:1-7...I came across it yesterday.

A youth minister in mah church got outed for a pr0n addiction and a fake cancer scandal; I'm interested particularly in teh "purging' of the 'leaven'...and 'a little leven leavens the whole lump' part.



Leaven is often used as a metaphor for sin or corruption as the yeast used to make leaven is a bacteria. It fermented the dough, turning it acidic which then needed to be washed. It doesn't take much yeast to make leavened bread. It doesn't take much sin to screw things up in someone's life or for a church.



Does that mean we, individually & as a church; should be purging our own "leaven" also? in light of what happened.


I think so, yes. If everyone is doing the correct thing individually, there is no need for anyone to "out" anyone else. Scenes like your youth pastor would not happen. I speak from experience.


Ok, thanxu x100

Do u mind me asking what u meant by experience, Have u seen this happen?


I used to do the church bulletin at another back in the day. My wife, then girlfriend, were sleeping together and cohabitating. I lost the bulletin, something I considered a ministry and went through a rough patch with both the church and with God. I was so desperate for a relationship with a woman I risked my relationship with Jesus. It even almost, ironically, ended the relationship with my wife, thanks to my foolishness. Thankfully I have a forgiving woman and a forgiving God.

If all that sounds incredibly stupid on my behalf, that's because I was incredibly stupid.


:D lul!

God has an awesome way of shaking the BS from our lives ;)
He recently hit me with a revelation-sledgehammer regarding His covering; that was pretty kewl; and with this youth pastor...I was able to see how a leaders 'status' can sneak in and come between us and God. That was pretty enlightening!!!!!

Yay 4 His guidance, @ least there is no suspicion of agendas with Him ;)


heh, that odd post took me 40min to do with 102 distracton's :p