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Zodiac changes?

I'm a libra. We spend long periods of time trying to make up our mind. But when it's made up it won't ever change.

I'm kind of like that too. Except I am a woman and reserve the right to change my mind whenever and as often as I desire.

Actually, it takes me a long time to decide on what I am going to do and how I am going to do it and I'm very quiet about what I'm thinking about. Then, when I've made up my mind I move at lightning speed. My friends think that I am impulsive sometimes - or very decisive - because they don't realize I've thought about it for years.
No signs have changed. I could go into a long, lengthy explanation, but I don't have the time and I'm not in the mood. Short story is that this isn't news to astrologers. Some stumbling scientists who know nothing about astrology, arbitrarily decided to nose in where they don't belong.

Western astrology is geocentric. The sign changes are tied to the seasons on earth. It has nothing to do with the Sun's position in Constellations. There is an astrology branch called "Heliocentric" that is based on the Sun's placement in Constellations, but Westerners don't use it [much]. And, your Sun sign placements have ALWAYS been different if you calculate a chart using Heliocentric positions. This isn't news.

So, relax. Your Western Sun placements remain the same.

You gotta trust me.. NOTHING. HAS. CHANGED.

Thus spake the voice of authority. She's a professional, kids; don't try this at home.
Eloisel-- The lightening speed after the long thought process is ALL about being a Scorpio. They keep their thoughts secret until they spring into action. It's all about keeping their thoughts secret as a strategy. Then they act and it can be like a sneak attack in many ways. Baffling their enemies, etc.

Libras can often talk about the pros and cons, and for a long time, but once they make up their mind they are rock solid in their POV. However they don't usually "act" with the same speed of an Aries or Scorpio. They do act decisively however, not with the same speed. Often with the same cunning though. The difference between the two is in the speed.

Libra- fights with an eye towards lasting peace. But they are not afraid to fight.

Scorpio- fights with an eye toward annihilation.
Virgo - Doesn't fight. Has worked out that you need to be neutralized, will quietly and unobtrusively observe your habits, and one evening your car has an exhaust leak and you don't wake up.
This thread reminds me of this chick I used to know back in high school. She had drawn all of these stars, moons and zodiac signs all over her bedroom walls with these special kind of Utra-Violet crayons that glowed under this big Black light she had on the ceiling. She also had a few glow in the dark felt based posters hanging as well. At night she would turn the main lamp off, turn this black light on and would start really tripping while listening to Punk rock. She was sort of a mixture of both Goth and Punk and was alot of fun to hang out with!

She was really cool... strange, but cool! :cool:

One of her favorite (non Goth or Punk) songs was called "Love Jones"

Aquarius (Jan 23 - Feb 22)
You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be
progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same
mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone
thinks you are a fucking jerk.

Pisces (Feb 23 - Mar 22)
You are a pioneer type and think most people are
dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient and full of
advice. You do nothing but piss-off everyone you come in
contact with. You are a prick.

Aries (Mar 23 - April 22)
You have a wild imagination and often think you are being
followed by the FBI or CIA. You have minor influence on
your friends and people resent you for flaunting your power.
You lack confidence and are a general dipshit.

Taurus (April 23 - May 22)
You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged
determination and work like hell. Most people think you are
stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamned

Gemini (May 23 - June 22)
You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you
because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect too
much for too little. This means your are a cheap bastard.
Geminis are notorious for thriving on incest.

Cancer (June 23 - July 22)
You are sympathetic and understanding to other people's
problems, which makes you a sucker. You are always
putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare
and won't be worth a shit. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are
an idiot. Most leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot
tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people
are thieving motherfuckers and enjoy masturbation more than

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)
You are the logical type and hate disorder. Your
shit-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and
co-workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall
asleep while fucking. Virgos make good bus drivers and

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
You are the artistic type and have a difficult time dealing
with reality. If you are a male you are probably queer.
Chances for employment and monetary gain are nill. Most
Libra women are whores. All Libras die of venereal disease.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)
You are the worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business
and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of
success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the
perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered.

Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 22)
You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless
tendency to rely on your luck since you have no talent. The
majority of Sagittarians are drunks. You are a worthless
piece of shit.

Capricorn (Dec 23 - Jan 22)
You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are
basically chickenshit. There has never been a Capricorn of
any importance. You should kill yourself.
Scorpio- fights with an eye toward annihilation.

I agree with that to a point. On those times when I've fought with an eye toward annihilation, the person I am fighting against 1) started the fight, 2) continued antagonizing me even though I tried to keep from fighting with them for a very long time, and 3) that person made it clear that nothing short of annihilation would keep them from continuing to do me harm. It really is a last option type of thing but unfortunately there are people in the world who will push a Scorpio to that extreme. They do it to people with other Zodiac signs also, it is just Scorpios are held to task and treated negatively for defending themselves.
I agree with that to a point. On those times when I've fought with an eye toward annihilation, the person I am fighting against 1) started the fight, 2) continued antagonizing me even though I tried to keep from fighting with them for a very long time, and 3) that person made it clear that nothing short of annihilation would keep them from continuing to do me harm. It really is a last option type of thing but unfortunately there are people in the world who will push a Scorpio to that extreme. They do it to people with other Zodiac signs also, it is just Scorpios are held to task and treated negatively for defending themselves.

I agree. Scorpios are negatively seen when it comes to defending themselves. So are Aries.

People often mistake the aggression of an Aries or a Scorpio as "without purpose", meaningless anger directed at no one, just uncontrollable aggression. That's not necessarily true.

Oh sure, in the immature Aries or Scorpio it can be hard to manage in youth, and can give their parents a run for their money, still the mature Aries or Scorpio is like a silent lethal weapon at times. While these two signs [both ruled by Mars] are indeed aggressive and dangerous once provoked, it actually takes a lot for them to strike. The difference between these two signs and the rest of the Zodiac [generally speaking] is that a Scorpio isn't fooling around. Once engaged, the Scorpio isn't going to back down.

It's almost as if they instinctively know when to fight, and when they fight they do it to the bitter end. That's exactly why they have to be provoked. They know what they are fighting for, and it usually is to protect someone, even themselves.

A much misunderstood characteristic of both Aries and Scorpio. They may take a long time to provoke. They can even seethe for a while, but their instinct to strike is controlled. Once unleashed though, it is to the death [both figuratively and literally].