Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix


I want to smell dark matter
Even Harry?


I want to smell dark matter
My “can’t be arsed to get up/I guess I could watch something for 20 minutes” show is Brooklyn Nine Nine, which is basically Community in a police station.

I have started watching Brooklyn Nine Nine in a similar fashion. It's quite good! Seems to get funnier as it goes on (though I'm only on season one and maybe it gets deeply unfunny in season two!) I feared it would be like Scrubs with "touching" sad music scenes when someone gets murdered or whatever but it's total comedy. Melissa Fumero is cute.


Pinata Whacker
I have started watching Brooklyn Nine Nine in a similar fashion. It's quite good! Seems to get funnier as it goes on (though I'm only on season one and maybe it gets deeply unfunny in season two!) I feared it would be like Scrubs with "touching" sad music scenes when someone gets murdered or whatever but it's total comedy. Melissa Fumero is cute.

The long title of your sex tape.

Love Child

One Love
Maybe I will check that out then.
Kim's Convienience is already done after 2 seasons. WTF?
So I started watching something that begins with "G" and is about a book club after WWII


I want to smell dark matter
I'm going to put B99 (that's what us fans call it) on hold to watch Disenchanted.


I want to smell dark matter
Yes that's what I meant! First episode thoughts: the visual gags are better than the dialogue gags. The funniest part was the gnome/troll war which was a bit Rick and Morty. Some of it feels too familiar from Simpsons and Futurama. The voice cast is good though (Matt Berry!) and hopefully it'll get funnier as it goes on.


Pinata Whacker
I watched 3 episodes of Disenchantment and I like it also. Its like a Medieval version of Futurama. (And yes I know it was made by the creator of Futurama and The Simpsons).


I want to smell dark matter
It's fine. I've watched about four episodes. The third was the funniest. A lot of the humour is still falling kind of flat, but it's better than late season Simpsons.


I want to smell dark matter
This looks like a worthy follow-up to season one!


Love Child

One Love
Does @Cassie have Netflix? : ( ?
There is a show called "Follow this" and one of the episodes is about ASMR videos.

I don't know if I want to watch any of these episodes because it seems like they are all annoyingly obvious-telling us about things we already know.

Love Child

One Love
I am on episode 6 of Disenchantment-
Delieverance anybody?
It is kind of creepy. Really creepy. That movie was creepy. I will never get that out of my mind.

Love Child

One Love
Okay, now I am watching something else. Can you guess it based upon this:

There is so much dick, and I can't have it.


I want to smell dark matter
Is it American Vandal?

We're working on forcing Cassie to get Netflix.


I want to smell dark matter
Well I'm fresh out of guesses.