How do you know when life is good?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

When there's a stoop anchor sprawled at the bottom of a flight of concrete steps.

Not posting spam threads.

The Question

Happiness is a flash in the pan. Equanimity, contentment, fulfillment -- those last. Better yet, those feelings are all under your control, while happiness is based on externals beyond your control.

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Life is good when...


1. You've lived and learned.
2. You have food to eat.
3. You have/had a job.
4. You have a comfy bed to sleep in.
5. Knowledge is at your fingertips.
6. You have the power to choose.
7. You've experienced love butterflies or something like it.

8. I am steve samurai jack®, BITCHES

Become a person of gratitude and start to see that life is good and then, in that spirit of gratitude and thankfulness, begin a business that impacts you and increases your wealth and also, does the same for other.

I don't think I could live without feeling like I was contributing on some level to humanity. Feeling that I matter to others is a very important part of many people's lives.

My life is very good right now

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Life is good when...

Sexual activity is involved.

When you're slanging, banging and you bust that nut...... Ohhhhhhhhhh hell Yeeeeah. Its all good!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Life is good when...


1. You've lived and learned.
2. You have food to eat.
3. You have/had a job.
4. You have a comfy bed to sleep in.
5. Knowledge is at your fingertips.
6. You have the power to choose.
7. You've experienced love butterflies or something like it.

8. I am steve samurai jack®, BITCHES

Become a person of gratitude and start to see that life is good and then, in that spirit of gratitude and thankfulness, begin a business that impacts you and increases your wealth and also, does the same for other.

I don't think I could live without feeling like I was contributing on some level to humanity. Feeling that I matter to others is a very important part of many people's lives.

My life is very good right now

When you steal someone else's thoughts without giving them credit and post it in a conversation as if it were yours that's dihonest, not to mention plagiarism.

People who have happy lives don't post and act like you do, psycho MPD boy. You have no honor, or integrity.

Ah now that I posted that, I know life feels good.

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Like I said, point blank........Life is good when...


1. You've lived and learned.
2. You have food to eat.
3. You have/had a job.
4. You have a comfy bed to sleep in.
5. Knowledge is at your fingertips.
6. You have the power to choose.
7. You've experienced love butterflies or something like it.

8. I am steve samurai jack®, BITCHES

Become a person of gratitude and start to see that life is good and then, in that spirit of gratitude and thankfulness, begin a business that impacts you and increases your wealth and also, does the same for other.

I don't think I could live without feeling like I was contributing on some level to humanity. Feeling that I matter to others is a very important part of many people's lives.

My life is very good right now. Live and Learn

1. You've lived and learned.
2. You have food to eat.
3. You have/had a job.
4. You have a comfy bed to sleep in.
5. Knowledge is at your fingertips.
6. You have the power to choose.
7. You've experienced love butterflies or something like it.
8. I am steve samurai jack®, BITCH!...I'm happy, but not that happy.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Like I said point blank :bigass:

When you steal someone else's thoughts without giving them credit and post it in a conversation as if it were yours that's dishonest, not to mention plagiarism.

People who have happy lives don't post and act like you do, psycho MPD boy. You have no honor, or integrity.

Ah now that I posted that, I know life feels good.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Own up to the fact that you didnt write that. The second post is obviously yours but the first is someone else's writing that you have stolen..Otherwise I will simply go back to treating your bullshit as the unoriginal spam it is and act accordingly.
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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Notice the difference in writing style between those two posts? What a faker.

steve samurai jack

Well-Known Member
Life is good when...

9. You Say Things Like "It's Too Good To Be True"
10. You Dwell On The Past.
11. You Watch Nature Cat.
12. You Judge Others.
13. Your Automatic Thoughts Are Negative.
14. You're Focused On The Problem, Not The Solution.
15. You Don't Accept Compliments.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Life is good when you call out fakers on the Internet and the proof is they don't respond directly, but continue their stupid spammy bullshit.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom