The ku kiux klan


STFU cupcakeER!

What do today's klu klux klan think about cross dressing gay white people who exploits the welfare system? or in Loktar's case, he considers himself an omnisexual. for those of you who don't know, omnisexual people recognize the gender of potential partners. Most gay people put it this way to hide the fact that they are fucking the same sex partners up the ass shut. The kkk looked down on that 20 years ago.
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Can Black People Be Racist?

Black people have often been accused of being racist by the very people who were racist to them. The issue with calling a Black person racist is that Black people, by definition, cannot be racist. Racism only exist within a power structure that systematically and institutionally rewards whiteness. The closer you are to being white, the more power you hold.

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The Question

Racism only exist within a power structure that systematically and institutionally rewards whiteness.

What a convenient redefinition of racism. Except we all know that racists will justify racism, and the left redefines words and phrases as a matter of standard operating procedure.

So we're going to use the genuine definition, not the left's redefinition.

Racism is the practice of judging individuals based on their race, usually evidenced by words and deeds based on that judgment.

And if you use the genuine definition of racism, anyone and everyone can be (and usually is, to some degree) racist. In fact, the left's redefinition of racism, set up to apply only to white people, and to all white people, is ironically racist in and of itself.

Furthermore, the left's redefinition of racism is based on the false premise that whiteness is rewarded by society. That was certainly the case in Democrat-controlled strongholds in the Jim Crow era. And some Democrat politicians held onto that as late as the 1990s. (Look up who it was that referred to blacks as "super predators.") But nowhere is that the case today.

The Question

Of course, it occurs to me just now that if we go with the left's redefinition of racism and accept that all white people, and only white people, are racist whether we say or do anything genuinely racist or not, then...

Get ready to wear chains again.

Because if we white folks are racist regardless of what we say or do, then we're basically off the hook for saying and doing things that actually are racist. No point in not being racist if we're "racist" anyway, right?

The Question


You want to act like hundreds of years ago is today? Okay. White people went through the same shit, at the hands of each other and at the hands of Muslims (look up "Barbary Pirates").

"Yo, we be da onlyest ones dat ebba happened to!"

Grow the fuck up and stop your fucking whining.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

In case anyone's worried that black people -- by which I mean actual people -- might get caught in that, by the way: they're already avoiding it. Don't fret that future Ben Carsons and Thomas Sowells will be trimmed off the human family tree by abortion. Those mothers and fathers are already educated enough to not fall for it.

It'll only catch hypothetical Li'l this's and Yung that's. No Cardi B, The Next Generation or Nicki Minaj 2.0. Which is the best thing for the human race, IMHO.

The Question


As of 2021, any white person who isn't racist, or doesn't gear the fuck up and learn to be, is a fucking moron. Just prey waiting for its predator.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
The Wilmington area really is a geographical ghetto.

Explains a lot, actually.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Did anyone actually look at the title? BLACKPOOPER is so sprung he spelled it wrong :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Black women sure love that white dick :bigass:



Holy Roman Emperor

Guess Muhammid Ali was a "white supremacist" according to the woketards.

Considering that so many of them are the same people who call MLK an "Uncle Tom"... not surprising.