1st annual TK Skank/Cunt Olympics!


New Member
Sarek said:
Do not fight it, my good friend, Sarek. Regardless of what you think you know that deep inside, you remember that pact that we've made all that time ago. I know you remember, far across the distant sea, when we were out of rations and the only light we had was the sun shining through the leaves, blazing like the colors that reflected on the ocean. I still have my bff chain.


New Member
Sarek said:
The fuse is lit, Sarek. Your deep and hidden feelings of our ever growing friendship makes you as a member of my own family. I'm glad that I have such a good a friend in my life as you.


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Elnidfse said:
My good friend, it pains me to say that MSN would probably warp your mind so far into the single zone of oblivion that you would never recover. Its like a swamp that for some single strange reason became the location of all gutter waste. I do not advise such a place to such good people such as you and as such, this is my only fair warning.
*Snorts in amusement*


Luci ain't got nothin' on me.
Sarek, why would you set up a contest between a Special Olympics athlete and a Special Olympics heckler?

Oh, right, I get it now. Nevermind :bigass::bigass::bigass: