Bad Purchasing Decision


Holy Roman Emperor
Alcohol as creative tool is one of the biggest myths of the writing world.

I don't know.... I've created some pretty unique things when drunk before. Granted, they were all acidic splats on the ground, but they were still unique.

The Question

Alcohol as creative tool is one of the biggest myths of the writing world.

Ever wonder how that happened? Nah, I bet you never have. Wondering how it happened would be predicated on you actually thinking about it, and that's not what you do, is it. You just soak up these little "factoids" and vomit them up whenever somebody rings the right bell.

But don't get the wrong idea; you came in here talking shit, which means the shit you came in here talking is of no value.

The Question

Besides, writers don't drink to be creative. We drink to render ourselves temporarily stupid enough to be understood by the rest of the human race, 99.9999% of the members of which are so cretinous that on your best days you approach the level of a functional drunk.

Don't believe that? Then explain "reality television."


beer, I want beer
Looks like I touched a bit of a nerve. PS alcoholics also like to find the most amazing excuses to justify and explain away their alcoholism as anything other than what it is: a debilatating, slow-death addiction. All while not realizing the only person they're fooling is themselves.

The Question

Looks like I touched a bit of a nerve.

The only thing you've been touching in this thread is yourself, kid. :gagh:

PS alcoholics also like to find the most amazing excuses to justify and explain away their alcoholism as anything other than what it is...

Same with witches. If they denied being witches, that was all the proof you needed of witchcraft. Right? Oh, hey -- have you stopped beating your mother? :rolleyes:

The Question

Speaking of bad purchasing decisions, I'm contemplating another one:

Squidvapes Detonator mod and a Peacemaker tank. The thing is, I don't really need a new mod. I just bought a Smoant Ranker 218 mod a couple months ago, and I absolutely love it. Gunmetal frame, leather grip, it's a really nice piece and I have no reason whatsoever to replace it as my primary mod.

I just really like the look of the Detonator. And granted, the Detonator is almost 100w less powerful -- not that I vape at anything over 60 watts anyway, but the higher power output, in practical terms, translates to longer between swapping the batteries. On top of that, the Detonator uses 21700 batteries instead of 18650s, which means buying a pair of 21700s along with the mod itself. The Detonator is also almost twice as expensive as the Ranker was -- $100+s&h compared to about $60 for the Ranker.

Which would make getting the Detonator a bad purchasing decision. But speaking of rationalizing, if I turn around and review the Detonator for the magazine, that review nets me $100 added to my invoice for the month, which means I basically get the thing for free...


beer, I want beer
Vaping equipment is for guys who really want to suck a dick but can't quite commit to the gay lifestyle. That's why they are all phallic sized metal tubes that reward you from the little hole in the end when you press them against your soft, moist lips.

The Question

Vaping is for people who don't want emphysema, COPD, or some form of cancer, you homophobic twat. Go tell somebody who's lost a loved one to a smoking-related medical condition how cool their dead loved one was for dying that way.


Pinata Whacker
Vaping is for people who don't want emphysema, COPD, or some form of cancer, you homophobic twat. Go tell somebody who's lost a loved one to a smoking-related medical condition how cool their dead loved one was for dying that way.

And sometimes I like to mix my weekend smoking of cigars and cigarettes with vaping some fruity pebbles ,spearmint, or other flavor. Vaping is where the real flavor country is.

The Question

Try to cut the cigars and cigarettes out if you're ready. If you're not ready, no amount of needling is going to convince you, but there are liquids that will fill in those flavors for you, if you're ready.

The Question

I also can't help but notice that Donovan thinks it's cooler if people smoke -- iow, do something that's going to fucking kill them -- than switch to a less harmful alternative, and that Ancalagon is all about agreeing with that.

But do lecture us about how important "free" healthcare is, while you're in here sneering at something that saves lives from the outset, you fuckin' retarded hypocrites.

Yeah, you two are fuckin' stupid, and you should feel fuckin' stupid. GTFO of here until you get your fuckin' heads right, dipshits.


Zombie Hunter
Ah. It's so clear now. *That's* why you faggot up your whisky. Vaping. If you can buy your nicotine in spearmint penis flavor, it's only logical you'd buy whisky that way.

The Question

Yes, yes, because only homos like things that taste good. Real men, manly men, chow down on mouthfuls of shit -- and, by god, they like it! Mmmmm, shit!

And they like cancer, god dammit! A real man will fill a wrapper of shit leaf full of green horse shit, roll it up, stick it in his face, and light it on fire, by damn! And while he sucks down that burning shit smoke billowing out of his burning shit roll, he's shoveling that shit into his mouth, too! Because things that don't taste like shit and scar his lungs up, that's for faggots, by damn! Because if you're not a retard, you're not a "real man", by Jee-fuckin'-hosephat! :gagh:
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Holy Roman Emperor
Yes, yes, because only homos like things that taste good. Real men, manly men, chow down on mouthfuls of shit -- and, by god, they like it! Mmmmm, shit!

So.... Blackfoot is a "real man"?


I've been trying various flavors of Stillhouse "moonshine" lately. The original is decent, so I figured I'd try their other offerings. "Apple Crisp" is okay, if pretty underwhelming. A buddy of mine brought me the "coconut" flavor -- surprisingly, I liked it better than "Apple Crisp". I say surprisingly because I'm not really a fan of coconut-flavored anything. Haven't tried the "red hot" version, I expect it'll be like Fireball. Blah.

But tonight it was between "coconut", which I'd already tried, or "Mint Chip." This is the most disappointing version yet. White dog whiskey and "mint chocolate chip" flavors do not go. It's what I imagine eating mint chip ice cream out of a crusty gym sock would be like. I'll finish it, of course -- I paid for it, and I don't waste money or booze. But let's just say it's gonna last a while.

Why are you not making your own?

The Question

Fun little comic illustrating how the people who depend on smokers continuing to smoke, get sick, and die are also using those smokers as pawns.



beer, I want beer
Fun fact: pretending to vape "for your health" while drowning your liver in booze is like fastening your seatbelts before you drive off a cliff. Small but ultimately futile gesture. Truth is, there is mounting evidence that vaping carries its own hazards, and the longterm effects of sucking that chemical shit into your lungs is only just beginning to become apparent. Those who tell you it is completely safe are lying to protect a livelihood.

A true alpha Male doesn't need a shiny metal phallus for his lips to quit smoking, he just does it and toughs out the cravings.

Besides who said I was homophobic? I just said vaping was play-acting at sucking a dick, far be it from me to tell anyone what, or who, to put in their mouths. I'm sure someone like Saint could suck a mean dick if he'd just fully commit. Probably take the chrome off a tailpipe with all that yammering he does. Must have incredible jaw strength.