does anyone have a dual they want to sell?

The Question

Tell ya what, fucko, I'll give you 'The Highwayman' for no less than $1,000.

[email protected] is the Paypal address.

I see the $, you get the password, and I log out and never come back.

'Tis a thing you've been drooling for, yeah? Put up or shut up time, Chucktastic.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
here's my deal, "jack".

1. all transaction on duals will be on my terms. bottom line.

if you want to sell me a dual, pm your bank account number and i'll transfer the money to you.


my offer for the "felony" dual is $200. for the "devilman" dual....$300 and i'll give you $200 for "new age pooster".


no dude! you take it or leave it. are shut-up.


see what i'm doing, "highwayman"?
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The Question

Money talks and bullshit walks, fella. It's a seller's market. You want this account, you got my price. Don't wanna pay it? No bigs, guess you don't want the account.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
Tell ya what, fucko, I'll give you 'The Highwayman' for no less than $1,000.

[email protected] is the Paypal address.

why the fuck would i want "the highwayman" account?

are you implying that you are a dual who has moderator powers?


dude, like i told the gnome...i do not have a paypal account, never did, never will.


no fuckly, don't want "the highwayman" formally known as "the saint". give me a dual, or shut-up. pm me, dawg.
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blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
somebody ask "volpone" or "love child" which dual do they have is for sale.

being i'm currently on their ignore list.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
What's it like being so owned all the time Chuckie?

Best part is you shit on the floor and then step in it.

Fun to watch. You're a fake and fail at your own troll :bigass:

Do have a nice day. Oh and you don't get to set the terms on anything around here. I made the offer, you refused it. So now shut the fuck up and slink away, loser.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
What's it like being so owned all the time Chuckie?

Oh and you don't get to set the terms on anything around here.


ownedI how owned am i? you are the only troll still using that term...this aint "comicon", let it go.

I do what i do when i do what i do to you, "jack", because i can.

your obssessd with me. i, the trolls and guest knows this

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
oh yeah. keep your duals "jackpooper". your services are no longer required at this time. you served very well grasshopper.

your welcome

**up top**


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's so easy to tell when you've stepped in your own shit, because of the brown ring around your big thick rubbery lips.

Keep on sucking that ass, ass-sucker



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Oh by the way, Conchaga says you're owned too :bigass:

From a few years ago in Philly.


I do :bigass:

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
ask "conchaga" which dual he wants to get rid of.

get the info and report back to me, messenger boy.

yo jack, what's the fake name you use on facebook?


Active Member
Actually, yeah, we can. Considering the fact that the last time they banned you, you were over here crying about it -- then when that ban was lifted you ran right the fuck back over there to lick the same hands that beat you like an abused dog -- we absolutely can blame you, you Stockholm Syndrome test case.

I don’t recall crying about anything and I think I made a grand total of five or six posts in a one month time period. I admit that is a higher posting rate then I normally do here.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
ask "conchaga" which dual he wants to get rid of.

get the info and report back to me, Oh King Of The Gutters

yo jack, what's the fake name you use on facebook?

Fixed that for you, Blackie.

I pull the strings and you dance.

Thanks for the laughs, fishlips :bigass:

:::laughing::: So much fun owning you like this. Every day. In every way.

blackfoot NAP

King Of Bling
my dual wish list:

"bertshocka" (i previosly bought from "dershocka", stolen by "brickvader".), "sniper kitty", "douche pickle", "blackfoots dick", "escargo".
