DOLLHOUSE SEASON TWO discussion thread


I want to smell dark matter
Did I really just see Amy Acker blow Summer Glau's head off?

I noticed that look too, which made me think she wasn't a sleeper agent at all and she really did just do it because she hates Topher. But hate him enough to commit MURDER? And the bit where Boyd was saying "I'll come back for you, you understand, I'll come back for you..." (HEY THAT WAS THE SCENE FROM EPITAPH ONE) looking back makes me think "I'll come back for you..." was her trigger phrase.

Oh yeah, WHAT THE FUCK, BOYD'S BEEN EVIL ALL ALONG? My first thought was it couldn't possibly fit with everything we've seen from him and they just did it for a big shock as the show's been cancelled, BUT really he's always been about protecting Echo and she seems to be part of his masterplan, so it probably does fit.

Poor Topher.

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy
I know, right? Who ever thought we'd be rooting for Topher, who was supposed to be the ultimate sociopath...

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe the ULTIMATE TWIST is that it's not cancelled at all!


Registered User
I noticed that look too, which made me think she wasn't a sleeper agent at all and she really did just do it because she hates Topher. But hate him enough to commit MURDER? And the bit where Boyd was saying "I'll come back for you, you understand, I'll come back for you..." (HEY THAT WAS THE SCENE FROM EPITAPH ONE) looking back makes me think "I'll come back for you..." was her trigger phrase.
I'm riding the "Saunders isn't a sleeper" train all the way to its destination. Next stop? Adventure.

e: I mean, Whisky is on Our Heroes' side in Epitaph One, whereas I'd think Evil!Boyd would keep her around as his pet, or SecretelyGoodWithAMasterPlan!Boyd would release her with her original personality.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe she used a special bullet that took an imprint of Bennet's brain.


I want to smell dark matter
Hey so I enjoyed the most recent episode though I can't say I'm entirely satisified still with the story or the justification for Boyd being evil all along. AND YES BEFORE YOU SAY IT, I KNOW THE SHOW WAS CANCELLED SUDDENLY and they had to come up with an ending and stuff everything in there and they did a good job doing that on the whole...but I still don't think the Boyd stuff quite fits with everything we've seen.

So the reason he was acting "good" for the last two seasons was just because he was testing to see who was "worthy" of surviving the thoughtpocalypse? Meh, okay. I did like that he didn't actually want Paul to survive (I mean, who would?) And Crazy Boyd was entertaining when we saw him ("I love you guys") but you'd think if he'd been THAT crazy all along we'd have seen some HINT of it (and YES AGAIN I know this wasn't planned in season one but it had been planned from the start of season two at least.)

And while I'm (kind of) complaining, that explosion at the end was laughably bad. Not just Echo out-running it, but the fact that there was NO sign of it at all once she left the building! I know they probably have literally no budget, but they could have at least smashed a few windows.

ON THE OTHER HAND it was a good episode and all the characters got quite good stuff to do on balance. Boyd and Mellie's deaths were both very upsetting and disturbing. We got to see Victor's Topher again and I liked DeWitt looking turned-on when he told her about his "enhancements". At no point in the episode did I know if I was watching Echo or Caroline though. I guess there isn't much difference.

And AMY ACKER was awesome as always and should have been the lead actress (blah blah blah) and everything and looked totally hot in that suit.


Registered User
Boyd was neither crazy nor evil - he was just Jasmine. He knew that if Rossum could create the tech, someone else would also invent it independently, and that it'd go on to end the world. He was just trying to end the world on his terms, rather than have the world ended out of his control.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Hmmmmm, I have this odd sort of blade taste in my mouth from that episode.

I mean they were obviously rushing to tie up as many plot points as possible (especially Boyd's motivations), and why Echo was so important and stuff but it all felt a bit underwhelming. But we have Epitaph Two in a/two week(s) which should make everything good with Felicia Day I hope!

Also Amy Acker's ass.


I want to smell dark matter
Well from Boyd's own point of view he wasn't mad or evil, but from the point of view of someone watching he was certainly mad at least. Yeah he was trying to control the technolog, but he was also going to DESTROY THE WORLD with it! It would be like if Sarah Connor suddenly decided to help Skynet destroy humanity because it was going to happen anyway and only saved herself and John.

Though I wasn't really clear on the Echo spinal fluid vaccine thing: could it be mass produced to cure everyone? Or was there only enough for Boyd to save his "family"?

(Isn't it a huge coincidence that the one person with this special DNA happens to be trying to bring down Rossum anyway?)

But with more episodes they could have fleshed al this out and stuff.

And yeah, Amy Acker.


I want to smell dark matter
LOL, Paul died.

Aww, Topher died. Because of that thing which had to be activated manually for some reason. And he didn't even try to run away or anything, he just turned round really slowly and looked at the "remember" board. Still sad.

I thought the future scenes were really cool actually with Harding going through bodies and eating lots of food and Ambrose falling back into the lackey role and Victor leading a group of cyber pirates. I mean they could have made a whole series about this stuff.

There's still lots of unexplained stuff from Epitaph One but I wasn't expecting it to be explained so I won't list them or anything (why did Saunders get her scras removed and stay behind OOPS SORRY.) There wans't really much point of Alpha being in this episode other than "Alan Tudyk is cool" but that was fine by me. Why didn't he stay in the dollhouse when everyone was getting wiped?

Felicia Day is nice (oh look she's a lesbian because you were expecting her to get with that annoying guy, bet you didn't see that coming!) Summer Glau is REALLY NICE.

LOL, Paul's acting.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I saw the last 15-20 minutes, so it didn't make much sense. I did get to see Helo die, YAY! lol

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I thought it was interesting that that asian gun lady that Felicia Day liked had to remove all memory of a certain Nurse-based drama to fit the gun skills into her head.


I want to smell dark matter
"You've just seen the last of it."

Well Cassie, it wouldn't really make sense if you only watched the last 15 minutes after missing most of the season, no. I do think they should have maybe used SOME make-up to make the characters look ten years older like they're supposed to. HEY HO.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Didn't Echo have some gray in her hair?


I want to smell dark matter
So she was going for a wank at the very end, right?


Boobie inspector
Echo had grey in her hair for sure, as did Paul, but his was more subtle, Dewitt looked older, but I think they just didnt use any makeup on her.

Saw all three last episodes today and yesterday, it was ok, but I though the last but one episode had the more satisfying conclusion.

I also thought Whisky shot Glau to hurt Topher, I guess she died in the explosion, they didn't really make that clear.

Both her and Boyd in epitaph 1 makes no sense now, but never mind, at least Victor and Sierra got a happy ending.

I had to laugh at the sci fi channels announcer saying straight faced, about the brand new hit show coming up called Eastwick.

When the more accurate announcement would be "we have another one season show that got cancelled, try not to get too attatched to it"

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
i stopped watching when i knew it was cancelled (and when the last couple of eps i'd see were crap) is it worth d/l to watch it to the end?