Donny Tourrette


Can I have Ops?
100% true. I heard he is also planning a Re-enaction from The silence of the Lambs where he is Multiple Miggs and Danielle is Agent Starling. He has told her he will throw her a surprise present.


Is this real life?
Poor old Dirk "FUCKING" Benedict having to put up with that posing prick.


Can I have Ops?
I may vote for Donny in the hope he will re-enact Bobby Sands prison cell during the dirty protest.


Boobie inspector
WEll if he is going to reinact teh scene from silence of the lambs, he should be dead fairly soon.

Also if he thinks he is going to shock Ken Russle, he needs to try and watch some of his films first.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


I want to smell dark matter
he's a nobber


I want to smell dark matter
He's gone.


Is this real life?
I noticed them mentioning him being gone on the (surprisingly interesting) live feed. I won't miss him, even his last act was unoriginal.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Never seen the show, never met him and yet I am extremely relieved to know he's gone.


I want to smell dark matter
He climbed over the wall to escape.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Did he break his leg in the process I hope?


I want to smell dark matter
Not sure yet!


Is this real life?
And the outside world is a worse place with him back in it.


I want to smell dark matter
He walked in protest to having to be Jade's servant, can't blame the gimp for that.