Dream World


I want to smell dark matter


beer, I want beer
Last night dreamt that I WAS THE FOOD! I was underwater. Gwen Stefani was singing in the backround, "Settle Down and Get in Line". A big fat grouper fish bit me in the foot! Große Fisch mich zum(yum) Fuß gebißen. The dream had something to do with kezboards. German the z and y is reversed. So in dreams, all is reversed. Iäm supposed to eat the fish! Fish, poisson, poison, pesci, pescado, pieses. February? A fib? Itäs all a lie?


I want to smell dark matter
Is that a real Gwen Stefani song or did you invent it in your dream?


I want to smell dark matter
Sounds like a good song.


Can I have Ops?
Gwen Stefani now has a rather problematic neck injury from looking at the camera "askance" for the last 10 years. She has to wear a neck collar most days.


I want to smell dark matter
Gwen Stefani now has a rather problematic neck injury from looking at the camera "askance" for the last 10 years. She has to wear a neck collar most days.

Ironically her refusal to "holla back" has only added to the problem