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The Question



The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


Pinata Whacker


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
By the way commie traitor, Trump making light of the cyber attack that just occurred is part of the cyber attack. He's totally in on it.

He won't be able to do much of this bullshit if he gets 5 to 10 for felony tax fraud from SDNY now will he? :bigass:

The Question

Funniest thing about all this, Jack, is you're acting like your guy lost. :joker:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Like I said, put down the pipe. You're hallucinating.

The Question

When a Republican tells you he ain't a racist, Nazi, facist, or Grand Wizard...

He's telling the truth. Democrats were the party of the Confederacy, of Jim Crow, of the Ku Klux Klan, of opposing integration. As for the Nazis, they were National Socialists.

But wait, let me guess -- Democratic Socialists are Socialists, but National Socialists aren't. Whatever it takes to protect the ideology from its history of rampage and mass murder, amirite?


Welllll... your trolling still isn't good, per se. But I can see you're putting in a little effort. Here you go:



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Your side lost. Get over it. That's all you're getting going forward til you own up to the lies you've been spinning. Otherwise fuck right off, crybaby. To continue the discussion, man up. You've been beaten, bested and found wanting.

Need some tissues, little commie?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
If you're a white cupcakeer, Trump is your guy.

Need some tissues?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

The Question

And? People have been indoctrinated to hate the guy. Loads of reasons have been fabricated, but the real one is much simpler and easier to prove: He's not part of the establishment.

Billboards like that one are symptomatic of an establishment media that spent five years fabricating and spinning in order to engineer the smooth-brained halfwits of the cringe fringe to parrot establishment talking points without a first thought, let alone a second.


I'm not wearing any panties!!
Is this what you wanted, halfwit? Is this what you're supporting? A senile old corporatist neolib?

Are you so against the American people being represented by POTUS that you'll take one who's owned lock, stock, and Polygrip by Wall Street?

If you think Biden putting an ex-Goldman Sachs exec on his transition team is bad, wait until you hear about who Trump has had running the Treasury for four years...