I'm not going to watch any of the new television programs this season

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Big Dick McGee has killed other hetero men for saying such things about Veronica Mars. Sleep with one eye open.

Indeed. I am quite close to speaking with my good friend, Uber-hacker Lisbeth Salander, to have her hack into Yub's PC and reveal all of his dirty secrets!!


I want to smell dark matter
Wait, Andrew Lincoln is that English actor from Teachers and he's playing Rick? That's kind of interesting.


I want to smell dark matter
I guess they're just changing Andrea's character. Laurie Holden is pretty hot anyway so at least they're keeping that part of her character. I'm pretty excited about the show after looking at that site. But only six episodes?


I want to smell dark matter
This isn't a good thing. This is the second half of the first season. Ideally they wouldn't have split it up at all, but at the very least they could have brought it back in September like they originally said. January is just completely taking the piss and since there's no word on a second season yet it suggests to me that they just want to make people forget about Caprica so they can cancel it without too much fuss.