Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 3


I want to smell dark matter
ALSO ALSO it was sad when R2's droids died.


Boobie inspector
All caught up.

They really got some of Peter Cushins mannerisms into that Tarkin model, very impressive.

Liked the first half of the season better than the end though, devoting three episodes to someone trying to kill Dooku when you know they wont succeed seemed a little excessive, and the dark side light side trilogy of episodes seemed more suited to star trek than star wars.


I want to smell dark matter
Well I think it was more about introducing SAVAGE OPPRESS than making you think Dooku might die...

The first Mortis episode was the best of the three. I did wonder what the point was by the end of the third (but they looked nice.)


I want to smell dark matter
GOOD EPISODE. Felucia is very petty and we saw Plo Koon in action with his new character model. The jungle moon looked nice. Lots of people died. Wookiee skin trophies FORESHADOW next week's guest star. Ahsoka is cool.


I want to smell dark matter
There's a torrent of what claims to be the last episode on EZTV...


I want to smell dark matter
Well it was definitely real becasue I just watched it. Great episode. Won't say any more until OTHER PEOPLE have watched it.


Boobie inspector
I shall get on it immediatly.

Got the lego game yesterday, was going well up until today when the new feature of swaping back and forth between battles going on in different parts ended up with me leaving Anakin in a spaceship, going to Obi Wan, then going back to Anakin now not in a spaceship, dying in space every time reducing my score to nothing.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I just watched it too!

Yeah it was a good episode. Lots of good action with wookiees which was awesome because wookiees are awesome.

I really liked the end scene though, as it shows how Anakin is clearly too attached to Ahsoka and Yoda is probably noticing that (which will hopefully play into Season 4 MAYBE). Plus the music was the same as the music at the very end of Return of the Jedi (before the Ewok/Victory Celebration) so that was cool.

Chewbacca was cool.

Ahsoka got all dirty.


Boobie inspector
Can one of you PM me the link, the sites are opening up for me for some reason.


I want to smell dark matter
Special thanks to Peter Mayhew for being the heart and soul of Chewbacca.


Boobie inspector
Good episode, I liked the way they didn't hold back with the violence, although just once I would have like to have seen Chewie rips someones arm off.

Thought he had at one point.


I want to smell dark matter
He only does that when he loses at board games.


Boobie inspector
BTW, lego star wars III is buggy as hell, had to restart my system twice after it froze up for no particular reason.

Considering there is no multiplayer and all there is is single player, you would think they would get tested a little more before release.


I want to smell dark matter
I've never played a Lego Star Wars. :(


I want to smell dark matter
What if Dexter Jester actually was a Jedi all along and he quit to open a restaurant.