
RIP Karl 1991-2014
I feel like we really don't know anything about you aside from living in Australia. :(

Tell us a bit about yourself!


What would u liek to know?

I have a ferret and a cat who fight 24/7
I loves Yakuza gaming
I drive a honda
I work with pple
I go to church...well haven't for a while
I liek to read books and supreme court doc's :p

Anything else u wanna know?


btw i saw what u did, and have pix, but i wont show anyone ;)


Also I get paid nicely to adjkskljfhsdkjfasgn & I want moar hours to asdghajkfhaskjghajg

Then i wouldnt have so much tiem to fuck around on teh TK


How's about all 'member' threads become karma whores?


Ohai, I received some possum-fur garments 2day :D


What kewl fur they have, similar to baby alpaca ;)


Im having a sook mmmkay!

2day some guy hung around my work and followed me to my car, trying to talk. I ignored him and went 4 cofee'z and when I got back he left a note on mah car, sprayed with his gross-arse cologne...weird no? :cry:

"Hello to teh gorgeous council gurl. I said hello to U!
Call me pleaze, I'm Alex mwa oxox 0412796169"

Should I write his number in teh gay-sex toilets, Y/N?


Ya a freaky one, but there is an investigadget on teh case... to find out his details from the number; also a big muscley man is coming to meet me after work 2morow, and have a little chat to the weird guy if he is thar.

I'm ok if I have to fight for my life, tho i guess ever1 is ;)

A gurl cant be 2 careful, u should browse the supreme court docs sometime! ;)

Gay-sex toilets, Y/N; Yub?


Surely you can get more creative and less sophomoric than the the gay sex toilets, m'dear.


What are u thinking?

I haven't had much experience in this 'revenge/pay-back' kinda thing :(


"Ur going to get kidnapped one day"

That's what a bunch of 'black as night' wannabe gangsta afrikan refugee's said to me 2day;

Ima buy some 'covering' clothes for the outreach aspect of mah job, meethinkz.

Funny, Marquis always says the same...mabee there is something I'm not seeing.