"You gonna get another job?"...


Zombie Hunter
A few more age things and then the Daily Angst.

Up to a certain age, when you can't open a new jar you just think "oh well, tough lid," and wrap a rubber band around it or tap around the rim with the handle of a knife or whatever your tough lid trick is. But eventually you get to the point where you still do your trick to open the jar but you start to wonder if this is it; that you're now at the point where you're too weak to open a jar. After a certain age, the "Kindergarten Cop" "It *might* be a tumor"/"It's NOT a tumah," bit stops being funny and instead worries you.

I guess I don't have that much to angst about. Got my first deposit since renting the new place. Unfortunately the property management gets a good chunk of that check and another house had the kitchen sink go--the house where the shutoff valves were bad so, sure enough, when they replaced the sink, they had to replace the shutoff valves because they were leaking. So not as much as I would typically get without the new property, which means I can't quit my part-time job yet. And I hate it so much at this point. But I'll get back to that.

Wet stormy day today. But it is groundhog season, so ever walk involves patrolling the banks of the creek where the groundhogs make their burrows. The steep, slippery banks. And New Dog is still younger than me in relative age, so for the afternoon patrol, she did it twice in the time it usually takes to go up and down the banks once, with me shuffling along cursing and being miserable the whole way. We narrowly missed the guy with the reactive German Shepherd (he walks 2 of them, but only one hates other dogs) and even so, I was aware of his dog being upset on the far bank while my dog went from hole to hole, up and down the bank, sniffing the ground. (And when I talk about this creek, I mean a body of water that is about 10' wide and 3' deep with 15-20 tall grassy banks in a "V" shape, where the trails at the top of each bank are probably 50' apart or so.)

Got home and banged out a few items on my chore list. Got another 45 minutes before I've got to start thinking about work.

Work. I actually like the job. I like the managers. I just mostly hate the people I work with. Even the people I like bug me in various ways but there's one person I absolutely hate. Laziest, most careless person to hold a job for an extended period. Spends probably 60% of her time staring at her phone. And another 20% of her time just standing around doing nothing. But this is actually OK with me because most of the time she screws up what she's doing when she actually does something work related, so I and other people have to go behind her and fix her fuckups. So I don't actually care when she'll just periodically disappear to the break room for a half hour or more. But there's no point in tattling on her--anyone can see what she does. And they don't pay me to deal with those sorts of things, so I just grumble and put up with it, counting the days until I can stop having a job and dreading that my math is off and I can't actually stop having a job because I don't want to keep working there, but I also don't want to go out and try to find a different job at this point in my life. I am glad I didn't quit when I got the house though. I'd have been in a jam if I'd just tried to last until the new place was profitable.

Oh, and with all the rain I hear what I assume to be various rodents, doing rodent things in my house--mice or something in the crawlspace and squirrels in a little hollow behind the gutter on one side of the house. They can't get in the attic, but it is still irksome and annoying.


Zombie Hunter
It's been so long since I've washed a car that I have no idea how long it takes to wash a car. I had a 1500 Ram pickup for awhile in the early 2000s and washing that was a day long odyssey, but shit, even a Mustang... Nice day. Have a car, a van, and a motorcycle that are all in desperate need of a wash and wax. And interior cleaning on the car and van, but that's another story. Figured I could probably wash the car and motorcycle today. Had about 2 hours after everything else was done. Got everything out and got to work. Got the car washed. Got it dried off. Getting a little late. Break out the wax. By the time I've got the wax on it's really late. Sun's starting to go down. Getting cold. Getting to the buffing. I got it done before the light totally went and dinner wasn't terribly late, but it will be interesting to see how it looks once the light is up again.

Cleaning a 15 year old car is a bittersweet thing--especially if it is your "new" car. There's no way you're going to get it to look "like new." Even the...I had a fender-bender almost a year ago. Keeping the insurance company from totaling it was a battle. I won. And fired the insurance company soon after because they were great 23 years ago and are worthless today. That said, the paint and repairs when you're trying to keep the price below an arbitrary level aren't...they have some flaws. But you can't complain. Because at least you escaped a salvage title. Not that I'm ever selling, but I couldn't bear the thought of my baby being a "wreck." Even if the stunt Mustang from "Bullitt" has a salvage title.


Zombie Hunter
1) I hate doing bookkeeping so damn much.
2) By the time you're 40, almost nothing makes you happy. By the time you're 50, almost everything actively pisses you off.


Zombie Hunter


No-one of consequence
1) I hate doing bookkeeping so damn much.
2) By the time you're 40, almost nothing makes you happy. By the time you're 50, almost everything actively pisses you off.
By the time you're over 60 you have become permanently unimpressed with a whole lot of shit.


Zombie Hunter
Washed the Awesome Van today. I forget how long I've had it but there are a few spots where my amateur bodywork is starting to fail and a few spots where my rust mitigation has started to fail and I can see "cancer" under the paint. Single stage paint is interesting, compared to modern automotive paint. Modern basecoat/clearcoat paint is relatively thin with a dull color coat and then a clear coat to protect the color and give a glossy finish. Done right, it looks good. Properly maintainted, it stays looking good. But single stage, where you just lay down layers and layers of glossy color and then polish them to a smooth finish...it looks better the older it gets because the finish gets smother the more times you wash and wax it. But if you didn't lay down enough layers, you can still manage to wear through (although not nearly as easily as you could with modern 2 stage paint.

Probably should've washed the motorcycle today too. I ostensibly had enough time, but after washing and waxing a full-sized van, I decided I was done with washing and waxing for the evening.

On an unrelated note, it is officially groundhog season. The Dog zapped her first one a week ago. Carried it home, as she does now. Tuesdays are trash day but I didn't have the heart to chuck it in the trash the day she got it. There is a period of celebrating her trophy that needs to be observed. Luckily, we've had cooler weather, so it kept until tonight. But since I was out working on the van, she wanted to be out. And since she was out, she wanted to lay next to her trophy (which she'd basically forgotten yesterday). After finishing the van, I pulled some weeds in the gravel driveway until it was time for dinner and she managed to get the hide off the tail. From there she eventually got the abdomen open so I had to take a break from weeding, put a plastic bag over my hand, and disembowel it for her. The hole she'd made wasn't large enough to get the stomach out but at least the intestines were out. She ate the guts once and puked them up within 5 minutes so now she knows not to eat them and will let me pull them out for her. She gnawed on it some more before eventually losing interest and was ready to go in when I was. I kind of hated to take it from her just when she'd gotten to the tasty bits, but with the weather there was no way it would last another week--even with the guts out. Or maybe it would've, but there are already too many assorted animal remains in my yard, so I went back out and threw it in the trash before taking the trash down to the curb. She went out again after that but I didn't see her out so I don't know if she was upset her prize was gone. She's snoring peacefully in the other room as I type this so she couldn't have been too upset.

That's about it, I think. I did have a cool dream last night but I forget it at this point.


Zombie Hunter
Life makes me tired. Did the usual "wake up at 3:40" thing. Forgot to charge up my phone before bed, so that was off--even though I'd been expecting an e-mail. Could have sworn I saw the cat as I was making my way out of the bedroom.

Storm was just whipping up outside so The Dog laid her head on my feet when I got back in bed. Almost immediately heard The Cat meowing from the next room (I thought).

Eventually The Dog jumps up off the bed, "I KILL YOU!" barking and moving through the house. I decide I'd better get up, arm myself, and investigate. I take the opportunity to grab the USB cable and plug the phone into the wall outlet charger. The Dog wanted to go Out at 3:40 but changed her mind, this time she *did* want to go Out, so I let her Out.

At this point I realize The Cat is nowhere to be seen so I grab the flashlight and start searching rooms in the house. Nowhere. Did I imagine him at 3:40? Did I imagine him meowing? Did I imagine bringing him In at bedtime? By this time The Dog was ready to come back In so I looked around with the flashlight Outside. No luck. Increasingly frantic, I search the house, under and behind things. No cat. Oh, I should mention the flashlight. Looks a bit like a construction worker lightsabre. Bright yellow with black rubber accents. 2 intensity light with a head that can be turned 90 degrees. Magnet on the base. USB charger. The cool thing is, it has a worklight inside, so you pull it out (or flick your wrist like opening an "asp" baton) and it telescopes out 7" and the light comes on. But for some reason, this isn't working. Won't move. Did I just imagine this was a feature on this light all these years? (Your mind doesn't really work right when you're awakened at 4:40am.) FINALLY, I get the thing to open--and the light immediately dies. The joy of LiIon batteries. They don't slowly dim to tell you the battery is low. Unfortunately the only charger I know is charging my dead phone.

So I go to the junk drawer to see if I have a flashlight with conventional batteries. I have at least 2. Neither of them has batteries. As I start looking for batteries I remember I have an LED camp lantern in the basement so I head there, open the door...and out bounds The Cat. Meanwhile, I decide to fire up the laptop and check e-mail that way. I got my e-mail. Decided to print it. I've been shutting the printer off in an attempt to keep the ink elves from stealing the fucking ink between print jobs. That's another story, but of course the printer is on when I check. Did I forget to turn it off the last time I used it?

At this point I feel the need to vent here so I pop in. As I'm typing I notice the "Network Connection" icon is no longer its usual WiFi(?) signal, but a box with a red "X" on it. Shit, the storm went through. Internet's probably down. [checks] Internet is working fine. Why the Hell do I have a weird red box icon? Is it from unplugging the USB cable? Too much weirdness in the middle of the night. Gotta get back to bed. Busy day tomorrow.


Zombie Hunter
Bleah. I have no excuse to avoid getting together my tax stuff tonight.


Zombie Hunter
Had to DuckDuckGo just now, an important mnemonic, for when you want to make it rain: The Marine 9-line. "I Hate Drinking Every Day, Like My Friend Ed." You use it to guide aircraft to safely and effectively kill Bad Guys without accidentally killing you.

I: Initial: Here's where you're coming from/where the Bad Guys are.
Hate: Heading: The compass reading to come in from I to kill said Bad Guys.
Drinking: Distance: How far from the first point (I) the Bad Guys are.
Every: Elevation: How high above sea level the target is.
Day: Description: What is it? Infantry, entrenched? Artillery? Tanks in the open?
Like: Location: Grid, Long/Lat, In the woods by the creek--anything to tell the birds what to kill.
My: Mark: Smoke grenade, LASER designator, brush fire--anything to confirm what the birds should kill.
Friend: Location of Friendlies: If you're gonna miss, try not to miss in this direction, because that's where we are and we don't want to be killed by friendly fire.
Ed: Egress: The safe direction to go to get back to base, because we saw a couple SAM sites at heading 275.

After all this is called in, you sit tight until you hear "This is Maverick, inbound." Then, if you've done everything right they'll come up from nap of the earth and say "I'm in the pop." This means they're beginning their attack run. When you see them you say "I have visual." They'll start their attack run and say "wings level." You look at them and the direction you're headed and if you're satisfied, you say "Cleared hot." Once you say that, they will fucking murder everything in front of them before boogalooing off to safety in the direction you suggested to them.
It is fucking sexy. Much better than trying to kill people who are dug in and armed as well as you are. Arguably even better than calling in artillery (which is a lot simpler because that just involves telling them where you are and where the Bad Guys are. There's nothing to get out safely and no final safety check or "eyes on target" after you've told the cannon-cockers where to drop their shells and they've pulled the lanyards. But it is trickier. Because you get "Shot, out" when the artillery has fired and then you have to make sure your troops don't overrun where the target in the time it takes the shell to get from muzzle to target. If you ask for "splash," they'll tell you when the barrage should hit, but this is more for "dialing in" a barrage than for when the whole battery fires for effect.


Zombie Hunter
Nothing is better than when cocksuckers are trying to murder you and you bring in the Big Dogs. "If you're in a fair gunfight, you're doing it wrong."

"I did a guy in Laos with a rifle shot at a thousand yards in high wind. Maybe eight or ten guys in the world could have made that shot." Whoops! Too much whisky. Time for bed.
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Zombie Hunter
"Northbound, heading 350. Distance 2500 meters. Elevation 1000 meters. Infantry, dug in. Grid 85723402. White smoke. Friendlies SW. Egress 270. Over."


No-one of consequence
"Target located at XXX.XXX by XXX.XXX. No friendlies within XX distance. Make it go away."


Zombie Hunter
Blerg. Finished "Hamlet." Next up was "Troilus and Cressida." And if you haven't heard of that Shakespeare play, there's probably a good reason. It is a painful slog. Set partway through the Trojan War and ending before the end of the Trojan War. I'm maybe 4 pages in. The story so far: Page 1: "Hey, I'm Troilus and I have the hots for your niece Cressida, put in a good word for me?" "K." Next Cressida is walking with her servant and Uncle shows up and spends a page telling her how awesome Troilus is. Then they walk down to the gates to see the troops coming back from battle and Uncle proceeds to exposit, naming off who each of the warriors is before bragging about Troilus some more. Now we cut to the Greek camp where Agememnon(?) spends half a page blathering before Nestor spends a quarter of a page blathering. Then Ulysses asks if he can say something and Agememnon says "go ahead, I'm sure it'll be great." A far cry from "My Lord, the past few nights, at midnight, the guard has seen the ghost of your father, if you come with us, he may speak to you."

Meanwhile I continue to look for online free books from the Commandant's Reading List and eventually found "Makers of Modern Strategy From Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age" and it is goddamn 941 pages long. I'm up to the Netherlands in the 1560s and want to kill myself.


Zombie Hunter
In the middle of the night there was a ringing in my head. Right ear, I thought, but now I'm not sure. Worried that I would worry about it and not be able to get back to sleep but I was pretty tired and dropped right back off and slept well. Still ringing as I type this.

The thing that concerns me is: 1) I have no recollection of anything happening yesterday that would've caused my ear(s) to ring. I've had hearing damage in the past but that doesn't spontaneously re-manifest, does it? 2) I have no idea why I was so tired. I didn't do anything physical to speak of yesterday. Or Friday, for that matter. I wonder if I'm like alien symbiote Spiderman, where something is taking possession of me to go out while I'm asleep. Hopefully not. I mean, it would be kind of cool, but also not that fun.

[EDIT: Ooh, there's a theory: My ears have always been ringing but my brain just learned to tune it out and whatever my brain had been doing to tune it out switched off. :/ And for the other bit, I'm just getting old. :( ]


Zombie Hunter
On Facebook yesterday and my favorite restaurant of the first part of my life came up in comments--as being for sale AND being described as a tavern. Given that this is a town of less than 2,000 people that already has...8 bars that I can think of, off the top of my head, I had to comment that another bar was JUST what that town needed.

When I was growing up it also had 3 Italian restaurants. But that was OK, IMO, because each filled a special niche. There was one on the lake that was more a pizza parlor that also served other Italian dishes. You could tie up your boat near it after a long day of waterskiing. There was more of a "roadhouse," in that it was this little place a couple miles out of town on a back road, and then there was the place in question, which was in an old Victorian mansion.

Anyway, I was curious, so I did some Googling. Only thing I could find was their Facebook page--which has been dead since 2016, when the place shut down. Posts on the page revealed that the place opened in 1952. It had a fairly simple menu for most of my life. At one point in the early '80s, the owner tried to sell it off and retire and the new owners started running it into the ground with redecoration and new menu items to the point that he took it back and restored it, but eventually we all need to retire and he must've finally sold it off for good (or bad).

So, back to the Facebook page: By 2016 they'd completely blown up the menu and instead of the basic, classic Italian fare they'd been offering (spaghetti, cavitellis, ravioli, lasagna (red sauce only)--with choice of large or small, sausage or meatball, a basic salad and homemade roll and for desert either a scoop of spumoni or orange sherbet and soft drinks only) they had all manner of items--steak, potatoes, whatever and, apparently a full bar. They shut the place down for God knows how long to completely remodel the interior--and to put in a huge patio for outdoor dining. In Wisconsin, where it gets to -30 and winter lasts 7 months. In a town of less than 2,000. Last post is "We're closing. We haven't been able to find a business model that is profitable." First post was 2014, when I assume these people bought the place. So in about 2 years, they managed to run a restaurant into the ground that had been in business for over a half century--that was the first place I'd go when I'd be home visiting. And the last place I'd go before I left.

Haven't been able to find a profitable business model? Maybe they should've tried the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" model. There was nothing wrong with the existing decor of the place. It certainly didn't need outdoor dining. There are already enough bars for everyone over the age of 3 to be able to be served. Don't spend a lot of money on stuff that won't make money. The existing menu was simple and cheap--flour, tomato paste, cheese, a little meat and a little lettuce. Soda and coffee cost pennies and sell for a huge markup--and had people that would come from miles for it. The place was written up in the St. Paul MN newspaper, some 90 miles away. First time someone comes and finds out the place is serving what you can get anywhere else, you lose that customer forever.

But what are you going to do? You can't force people to do the smart thing. And you can't control everything. You've got to let the market work. And it does. Sometimes to my disappointment.


Zombie Hunter
To be fair, there ARE times when you need to change or die. Blockbuster and Borders Books kept doing what they were doing and got wiped out by the Internet. But that's different. A closer example might be Hooters. Hooters was huge in the 2000s. Now? Not so much--even though they haven't changed. Why this is is another discussion. Anyway, a huge chain based on sexy waitresses is different than a mom & pop restaurant with a devoted following.

Incidentally, the pizza place on the lake closed too--after briefly trying a new model of not-Italian food after the old owners retired--so now there's only 1 Italian place in town. Still 8 bars, but only 1 Italian place. And, like, a Dairy Queen. But that's another story too.


Zombie Hunter
In the middle of the night there was a ringing in my head. Right ear, I thought, but now I'm not sure. Worried that I would worry about it and not be able to get back to sleep but I was pretty tired and dropped right back off and slept well. Still ringing as I type this.

The thing that concerns me is: 1) I have no recollection of anything happening yesterday that would've caused my ear(s) to ring. I've had hearing damage in the past but that doesn't spontaneously re-manifest, does it? 2) I have no idea why I was so tired. I didn't do anything physical to speak of yesterday. Or Friday, for that matter. I wonder if I'm like alien symbiote Spiderman, where something is taking possession of me to go out while I'm asleep. Hopefully not. I mean, it would be kind of cool, but also not that fun.

[EDIT: Ooh, there's a theory: My ears have always been ringing but my brain just learned to tune it out and whatever my brain had been doing to tune it out switched off. :/ And for the other bit, I'm just getting old. :( ]
Realized I did pull some weeds yesterday and that is a lot more tiring than you realized.

I wonder if I'm grinding my teeth at night. A few weeks ago I woke up with an upper and opposing lower molar sore like they had a cavity or something. Went away after a few days.