
  1. starguard

    Truth is TREASON in the Empire of Lies!!!

  2. starguard

    Lies Lies Lies!!! THEY'RE ALL LYING ON ME!!

  3. Gagh

    Make up Lies about Justin Bieber.

  4. Robert "Monkey" Loggia

    Make up lies about Charlie Rangel

  5. Cassie

    Make up lies about Charlie Sheen!

  6. headvoid

    Make up lies about Optimus Prime

  7. Yub

    The make up better lies than Earlange does THREAD

  8. CaptainWacky

    Geordi La Forge never lies when he has sand in his shoes

  9. jack

    More Lies From The Gnome?

  10. Gagh

    Make Up More Lies About Tiger Woods.

  11. The Dork Lord

    True Lies of the TK Meetup Volume 69: Howling Madness!
