
  1. A

    The First Nuke Dude from Superman Poor.

  2. o0Battery0o

    poor little blighter :(

  3. starguard

    Murderous Woman Kills Poor Helpless Burglar

  4. CaptainWacky

    Clarkson: Disabled babies should be fed to the poor

  5. Gagh

    Poor Viktor

  6. jack

    Debtors Prison Redux

  7. jack

    Poor KKKody

  8. S

    Thread for poor old GayStrom.

  9. Cassie


  10. 'Gear

    Poor Eloisel

  11. Gagh

    Poor Teri Hatcher...

  12. Mirah

    Poor Kitty

  13. OS@M@

    All of these threads are dissing poor ole' Gagh!

  14. S

    Ange's Cunt Punt - All the fail you could want in one place.

  15. Mentalist

    Poor Aaron Ramsey

  16. eloisel

    Poor Hawaii

  17. Eggs Mayonnaise

    Poor Joseph Gordon-Levitt (and NATALIEEEEEEEE)

  18. classichummus

    Poor Little Kitty Got Trolled :(

    In this thread Dirk Funk outs his "Blackfoot's Dick" dual. Funny stuff, for those who know where to look for it.
  19. CaptainWacky

    David Hasslehoff = poor man's William Shatner
