One aspect of Arkansas I have forgotten about until this week is that it is the headquarters of the KKK. While Arkansas routinely votes Democrats into office, will they vote for a black man?
Here are my most current updates to my initial posts:
Arkansas: from leaning Obama to leaning McCain -- no new polls, but that whole KKK thing
Colorado: from leaning McCain to leaning Obama
Indiana: from leaning McCain to solid McCain
Minnesota: from leaning Obama to solid Obama
Nevada: from toss-up to leaning Obama
New Hampshire: from leaning Obama to solid Obama
New Mexico: from leaning Obama to solid Obama
North Carolina: from leaning McCain to toss-up
North Dakota: from leaning McCain to solid McCain
Ohio: from toss-up to solid Obama
Oregon: from leaning Obama to solid Obama
Tennessee: from solid McCain to leaning McCain
Ultimately, Obama needs neither Ohio nor Florida to win, but this is still very close. If McCain were to win in Ohio, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, and Colorado, and Obama were to win Nevada, we could see an electoral tie. What is essentially going on is that Obama has 264 certain electoral votes, so as long as he gets those other six from somewhere, anywhere, he will win the election. If just one uncertain state goes to him he will win.
Question: Will the growing prevalence of absentee ballots eventually render election night concessions a thing of the past?