Dark Pickle
Fucked Off
Which is why i refuse to join 

Is there a cock you wont suck?
When I have some time I will play you, Dual. I was at one point a strong Chess player. I haven't played in a long while so am probably a bit rusty but I had a go at playing Chess Titans (game that comes free on Vista) on the highest setting and bitchslapped it recently so I am still good enough I guess. Not that Chess Titans is any good, mind.
I have a very deep love for the game and follow the Chess world closely even when I don't play often.
I'm looking forward to the Toplov v Anand World Champonship game at the end of the year. Toplov has a FIDE rating of 2812 which is fucking ballistic but I still think and hope Anand will retain his crown and beat the weasel.
I also can't believe I fell for that Grob's spike.